the red haired women

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Everyone is dealing different with changes. Some take them better than other. Some try to ignore the truth or can't exept it some just go on with their lives like nothing happened. Every human is different and all need to find their own healthy way to deal with changes.

The people on the smp aren't very good with changes and often try to ignore them. They try to distract themselves with task. With things to do everything is better than facing the cold truth but no matter how much it hurts running away won't stop it.

It was something Dream noticed a long time ago yet he was still foolish and tried to run away. He tried so often and everytime it would only make things worse. It was childish hope that if he ran away long enough, ignored the turth long enough it would disapare.

No matter how many times he was proven wrong. He is stays as foolish as the other members he still tries to run even tho he knows it has no use.

Even tho he knows it is hopeless and always will be he won't stop trying.

Dream POV:

I feel asleep again...

It is so quiet and dark. I don't like this. It's so damn cold. It feels like forever that I'm just stitting here in the void. It is so familar yet so strange. I somehow feel watched... that's new I guess

Nobody POV:

This continued for a while. It was just Dream alone in the void. It was lonely and remined Dream of prison it made him sick. Just thinking about that place made him want to puke. It was a few minutes or even hours later when the Nightmare finally started to shift. The dark endless void turned into beatufil white snow.

Trees, snow and other stuff started to appear. It was fimiliar to Dream there was a small wooden house infront of him. Then it hit him he rememberd his last Dream. How that person died. He couldn't safe them.

Dream slowly started to stand up. He then saw something red. He looked down to his feet and saw the snow starting to turn bloody. He quickly took a couble of steps back. There was suddendly a scream it was full of agony and pain. Dream puts his hands on his ears hoping the screaming will stop but no matter how hard he pressed his palms against his ears it won't stop. He could still hear that scream.

He then ran inside the house hoping he wouldn't hear that horrible scream there. He isn't sure how he came up with that logic but he won't question it either because it was finally over. He was relieved but only for a second until he heard not a scream but voices.

It were two. One was obvouisly Dream just slightly different and the other one.... Dream couldn't place who it belonged to it was wierd.

Dream slowly walked towards the voices. The wood house startet to shift the more steps Dream took. It slowly changed from the warm and familiar wood house to a less familiar house with brick walls.

It was nicely decoradet but still felt so so wrong. Dream looked around it seems like he is in a kitchen. He can finally see the people who were talking. It was a young boy with blong hair who couldn't be older than 8 and a women with fire red hair and a black suit.

They seemed to be fighting. The women was screaming angrly pointing a finger at the boy. He on the other hand was trying to stay calm and trying to explain himself to no use. She wouldn't even listen to him. Instead she got sick of the little kid talking back and slapped him across his face.

The boy quickly shut up holding his cheek thight. He was looking at the ground and then he has a face which was very rare in Dream's nightmares. He was trying not to look the women in the eyes and his green eyes were glassy. He was obvouisly trying very hard not to cry but failed in the end.

Small tears feel down the boys cheeks. He had many bruisis on his face and his eyes were red from crying many many times before.

He tried to muffle his crys with the sleve of his green hoodie but failed as he started to sob short after. The women scoffed but still kneeled infront of the kid. Her face was a blur but Dream could hear her voice.

„I'm sorry but this happens when you do not behave. You know I'm only doing this for your best. I am your friend afterall" She speaks so sickly sweet and then started to ruffle the childs hair the boy leaned into the touch and Dream felt horror after realizing this was basically how he treated Tommy in exil. Dream knew he had no right to treat Tommy like that but it was the only thing he was thought but he never really saw it as wrong until now. He didn't realiz how wrong and sick that was

The only thing he remebers. Yet he sees this as no excuse. He still manipulited Tommy. Hurt him physically and menatlly and the best excuse he has is that he didn't know better. That he acctually believed this was how to teach kids how to behave themselves. 

Dream hates the fact that he has turned into the people he despised the most. The people he promised himself he would never become but he failed. He failed because in the end he thought they were right even though they were so obvouisly wrong.

Not short after Dream woke up. He feels pathetic another nightmare. Dream can already feel it faiding from his memory but he doens't forget the way the red haired women treated him. He doesn't forget how he treated Tommy.

Tommy... Dream looks up and sees that he is still leaning against Tommy. As much as he sees this as weaknees as pathetic. He can't really bring himself to care. He just wants to sleep without nightmares. He hates that he is still tired even after sleeping for probaly quite a while.

„hey do you remember that one time Wilbur ate sand?" Techno asked. Most started to laugh but Philza just raised an eyebrow „what do you mean 'one time' he probably has eaten more sand than you have killed people"

Sam suddendly started to choke on air while Dream was just lisening and wondering what the acctual fuck he missed and why the fuck Wilbur would eat fucking sand.

„You can't laugh Tommy you literally would eat mud everytime you thought Phil wasn't looking" Wilbur said pointing a finger at Tommy and while pouting like the thearter kid he is. Tommy just dramadicly gasped at that. Now everyone was laughing. Sam still seemed confused and looked like he regrets all his life coices but still laughed and decided not to question it.

Dream on the other hand was completely lost and his brain is still foggy from the Nightmare. The frist thing he hears when he wakes up is lierally that Wilbur ate sand and Tommy mud. Tommy seemed to suddendly realize that Dream was finally awake „hey big man how did you sleep?" Dream didn't answer for a while he just looked at Tommy.

He was just about to say something when he was cut of by Techno „I think 'big man' doesn't fit anymore you should probably give him a new nickname like 'small man' or some shit" Tommy started to wheeze again while Dream just glared sometimes Dream forgets how bad Techno was at giving nicknames.

Dream would have loved to give an answer but it was probably better not to use his voice for useless fights. So he keeps his mouth shut and just glares.

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