Punz POV:
I slowly stopped walking when I relized Dream was Still lying in that room. So I pushed my thoughts aside and went back inside. There I saw Dream still lying in the middle of the room... Just like a corpse.
I aslo saw how sick sam looked, how confused Phil and Tommy looked. I mean I also had a mentall breakdown like 2 seconds ago and I also was very confused but why was Sam looking sick? Eh It's probably just because Dream looks so...so......so- dead? Thin? Pale? Like a kid?
I mean why else would he be sick. That was the most logical reason. Ok that wasn't important right now I have to fucos again. I looked down to Dream and yeah he was still out just like Wilbur. But Dream put Wilbur on a bed. while he himself still was there on the cold and dirty floor.
I didn't want to leave Dream on the floor. So I tried to swollow my worries and walk up to Dream. And at first I failed I'm stuck. Frozen in place. I really wanted to move forwards but my body just didn't move.
I slapped myself mentally and after 5 minutes I finally walked towards Dream. And when I stood next to Dream I relized how small he acctually is. He looked taller from distents. God I'm getting distracted again.
I slowly reached out my hands to grab him. When suddendly out of no where a sword appered there was like just an inch between my hands and that god damn sword. I looked to my side to see that Sam was the one who did it.
God what does he want now? His sword was so close to my hands I thought he was acctually cutting of my hands. But luckly that didn't happen. So I slowly stood up straight and looked sam straight into his eyes.
„what was that for?" I asked. Sam just sighed in response. I just frowned at that like serously?! Do you think that answers my question? like tf. omg you sighed now I now why the hell I cannot go near Dream. 'The biggest villain' who is just a god damn kid
Just when I was about to try grabing him again Sam finally spoke. „he might be a.... kid- but he still started those wars, blew up l'manburg, put tommy in exile and more. Kid or not he still is a villain. A monster and nothing more" what the acctuall fuck. Didn't Tubbo, Wilbur, techno and- ok fighting over that isn't gonna help right now...
„he is litterly unconscious. He can't walk, talk and so on right now how the hell is he supposed to be dangerouse right now" I mean com on you have a sword amor and Dream doesn't even have a wooden stick. It looks like even water could kill him right now.
„I fucking hate to say this but Punz is kinda fucking right. Even Dream put Wilbur on a bed and he is the person- who brought him back in the first place." Tommy said he looked away still shocked and confused but wow he really matured over time.
Phil just nodded and again Sam just sighed. I just take that as a yes. So I reached out for Dream and this time there was no sword that almost cutts of my hands. And when I finally took Dream I-
He...yes he looks thin but he is lighter than a fly. When was the last time he ate? I just- I cannot ask him right now. Would he even tell me the truth? I don't think so

Just a kid?
FanficWhat if Dream lied the whole time. What if he had a secret that nobody knows not even sapnap or George. What if dream was a child locked up in a prison that isn't even finished. What if Dream had other motivations to do stuff like that then anyone t...