Nobodys POV:
Right now Tommy is hiding Dream since he is standing infront of him. Nobody realized he is there. But when Tommy and Tubbo went iniside the community house everybody was able to see Dream.
But because most of them are blind af. They still didn't register him. They were focust on Tubbo and Tommy. But when Dream stepped in the community house aswell. Everyone froze. After all Dream was supposed to be in prison.
Not out here with a kinfe next to his throw. Nobody spoke for a few minutes. But then „What is HE doing here?" George was the first one to aske and he put so much venom in his voice that it made Dream flinch. But they were too shocked to notice.
„He will revive Wilbur in the community house so please do not attack him." Tubbo spoke he seemed alot more calmer then he was in prison.
Everybody just either looked at him in disgust or anger but after a few seconds they looked like they were pitying him.Gosh how much he hated pity it made him feel weak. But why would they feel pity towards him he was a monster after all
He hated it already the pity but why why why why would they pity him they had no reason. No reason at all so why why
„What happened to you?" Puffy asked she spoke very quitly. Dream didn't answer he didn't even move.
„You are so......thin and pale" this time it was punz who spoke. They just looked at him with more pity. It was annyoing him...
„I have to go upstairs to revive him" Dream whisperd he tried his best to not cought wich somehow worked. At first nobody reacted but after what felt like hours Tubbo finally answered.„ofcouse Sam please bring Dream in a room I will get Ghostbur."And with that Dream and Sam went upstairs. There Sam put Dream on a chair but bevor he went ouside he looked at Dream.
He was looking at him with eyes that showed no emotions but Dream knew that his masked made the creeper man uneasy. „Do not try anything" He said so cold but at the same time with a hint of anger in his voice. But Dream couldn't do anything he was too weak
It took around 10 min till Tubbo came in with Ghostbur and a sword. Defently the one Wilbur was killed with. He put the sword on a table infront of Dream.
There wasn't much in the room but luckly there was a Bed. „Hello Dream" Ghostbur spoke with kidness in his voice. Did he not know what Dream did or did he just not care. It doesn't matter he has to focus on his task. Reviving Ghostbur and hopefully dying
„Hello Ghostbur" Dream tried to wave but it was a pathetic and weak wave. He hates it. Ghostbur smiled. His smile was kind and warm. Not warm enought to reach Dream thought. It remined him of his sister. So innocent,kind and sweet.
Now was not the time to think about that. „please lie down" he tried to sound comftonting since Ghostbur semed nervous.Why was he trying to comfront him. Just beacuse he reminds him of his sister. How pathetic how weak how useless
Ghostbur just nodded a bit and laid down. Great now the ritual. It was not hard but still took very long
Meanwhile downstairs:
Everybody was nervous. What if he lied what if he is escaping right now. What if it goes wrong and both Ghostbur and Wilbur are gone.What if-
„He was so diffent" It was sapnap he spoke very quiet and with regret. Everybody knew that was true but „He still is a villain he has to stay in prison" Sam spoke just as cold as always. Nobody disagreed. But there was one person that wanted to disagree. Not George not Sapnap not Puffy no it was...
Punz he wanted to say that the prison 100% wasn't the right thing. Of course he knew what Dream did was wrong but he looked even worse then Tommy. Punz was always on Dreams side and still is but Dream made him promise to act like he batrayed him to never come and vistit him in prison. So he did not knew how Prison was but it defently was not good.
He wishes he broke the promise and went to Dream to make sure he was ok. But no he didn't and now Dream was so.. lifeless even more then bevor and even with mask.
But he couldn't even after all that time he just didn't want to break the promise.He was mad at himself for being like that but it was Dreams wish.
Time Skip 5 hours:
5 god dam hours and nothing no Ghostbur no Wilbur no Dream came downstairs. Everybody was very uneasy what if Dream acctually escaped. „why the fuck is he taking so long"
nobody answerd because they didn't knew the answer and they were way too worried to speak.
„I will go look what he is doing" It was Puffy who said it „No let's wait a bit longer I'm sure revivale just take it's time" Phil said in a pretty calm voice. Eventhought it still sounded worried Puffy semed to believe him „ok your right" Well everybody semed calmer exept tommy he was still very nervous.
He tried to calm down but just kept cursing in his head.This is already going great. After another hour everyone was even more stressed then bevor „6 fucking hours " Quackity said with a bit a lot anger. He made his why to the stairs to go check where the fuck they were.
But Ranboo grabed Quckitys shoulder and said „I'm not sure how close you and Dream are but...I don't think it is a good idea if you....check in him you know" bevor Quackity could even answer Tubbo and Puffy agreed with what Ranboo said
So now the were trying to figure out who sould check on Dream and Ghostbur.

Just a kid?
FanfictionWhat if Dream lied the whole time. What if he had a secret that nobody knows not even sapnap or George. What if dream was a child locked up in a prison that isn't even finished. What if Dream had other motivations to do stuff like that then anyone t...