10 am

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Sam POV:

We were still talking about tomorrow. Still nothing. Why was this so complicated. We just had to tell them that Dream is actually a child. But how will the others react. Techno and Tommy took it surprisingly well.

What about the others tho? I doub that they all will take it that well and it is so hard to explain how he is a child. After all we arn't sure ourselfs. How he was able to hide it. Why he did it. Maybe we should wait till we know more.

No they will question if Dream is in prison or why we can't send him back and we can't kill Dream either. They would also probably figure it out at some point. We never know.

„I think we should explain how we found out about Dream's age first." Phil suggestet.

„Maybe but what do we tell them before that I mean we can't just go like: 'and now we are gonna tell you how we found out that the most dangerous prisoner on this smp is acctually a child" Punz said sarcastic. And I gotta admit he is right we have to do this slow when we rush to much who knows.

„How about we don't say what we are explaining? We just tell them everything from the start. How we found Dream how we saw his face and then that he is a kid." Techno answerd. Not a bad idea.

I was thinking when I realized that tommy said nothing. I barley heard him say something since we started this conversation. I looked over were I thought Tommy stood after all this is where I last saw him.

He wasn't standing next to Phil anymore. Weird I swear he was there just a second ago. I looked around the small room. When I spotted Tommy sitting on the floor next to Dream. They were both sitting on the floor.

Why? They could just stand or not talk to each other in the first place. The floor is probably very uncomfortable.

It looks like Tommy is the only one saying something. Acctually I think he is whispering. He is so quiet I didn't even realize that he was sitting on the floor. He wasn't planning to help Dream escape right?

I frowned. No why would Tommy help Dream. He was probably just getting information from Dream. I was standing across from them and the others were talking over each other so it was hard to hear what Tommy was saying.

But after what felt like forever I heard what they were talking about. „oh and also Tubbo and Ranboo are now married. they also have a child. It's a piglin they kidnapped from the nether" Tommy whisperd to Dream.

Was Tommy? Why was he telling Dream that? Is he telling Dream what he missed while being in prison? Well if that is the case then I don't see a problem I guess. But what if Dream uses the information against us.

I hope tommy doesn't spill any important information. I decided to drop that for now. I will probably ask Tommy about it later and when I'm on it I can ask Tommy why he is so nice to Dream. To that heartless monster

„EARTH TO SAM" Punz screamed in my ear and I jumped back. The fuck was that for. Does he want me me to become deaf. Like seriously why does he have to scream in my fucking ear out of no where!?

„was that really necessary?" I hissed at Punz while covering my ear. He was acting more like a child then Dream. „Sorry but you weren't responding." Punz apologized while rubbing his neck .

Dream POV:

Punz just screamed out if fucking no where. The fuck was that even for. Did they forget that it was almost fucking midnight.

I turned back to Tommy. He was telling me about everything that happened in the smp while I was in prison. I already knew most of it tho. Yes I was stuck in prison the whole time but I had someone that told me everything.

They forget that I hear everything. But there is still so much that I don't know of. So much that surprises me. I don't know what they are thinking. I don't always know everything but it's not like I know nothing.

Well like this. I don't know why tommy is telling me all this. Was he trying to gain my trust so he can shatter it? Was he trying to manipulate me? Or he just fakes it for who knows what reason?

Whatever not like I can stop him or maybe I don't want to stop him? No that is so stupid. I'm not falling for that they aren't real. They are just faking it. They don't care they never did and they never will.

I act like such a fucking child. „okay just ignore punz he is being a bitch. Ok so anyways did you know that tubbo has a fucking problem with nukes." Tommy whisperd carefully to me. It was nice just sitting here. WHAT no fucking way. I don't fucking- I'm not fucking doing this again.

Shut the fuck up. I'm not getting attacht to anything. I'm just a cold heartless freak! I am a fucking monster. I don't like this. I fucking hate this. Why do I want to fucking trust him! Did my fucking childish brain not learn shit?! You cannot trust anyone! You cannot get fucking atteachments!

Suddendly Tommy whisperd „hey are you ok? Are you still liseneting?" Fuck I spaced out a bit. „Yes I am fine" I whispered back I was so tired. My voice was even quieter then before and my eyes felt heavier. But I know I will not be able to sleep and I don't even want to.

„if you say so" Tommy semed to buy it or he knew I don't like talking about- no how would he know and even if he did he doesn't acctually care.

He continued to talk about things that happened on the smp. To my surprise there were a few things that I did not know about. Intressting but my concentration started to faint away.

My eyes were so heavy and I felt so weak. My whole body felt like it was about to give up but I don't want to fall asleep.

Suddenly I overheard Phil saying. „So we tell them around 10 am and we just explain from the start. This could actually work" He sounded unsure but he didn't show it.

So 10 am. Why don't they just fucking kill me. I asked them! I basically gave them permission. I don't know why they think it is so wrong. I think if I was an acctuall adult they would not hesitate to kill me. They did not hesitate to threating me they didn't hesitate to put me in that hell hole.

But now they know the turth and they won't shut up how they acctually care but I know they are lying. They never cared before so why should they now? All of the sudden. If it wasn't for my  damn age.

Gosh this is getting so annyiong my thougths are basically repeating. I keep on thinking the same thing but I should concanrte on-

suddednly my body felt so heavy like the whole world was on my shoulders and everything went black again. God damnit I lost I fell asleep-

Nobody POV:

There was a small noice it was Dreams body hitting the floor. Eveyones attention immediately went over to the sleeping child. He seemed fine. At first Tommy thought Dream had a type of Panik attack or whatever that was ealier again. But his breathing was calm.

Tommy slowly and carefully picked the sleeping kid up and put him on the bed just like Punz did earlier. Tommy acctually enjoyed taking care of Dream. It was kinda wierd consedering the fact that Tommy thought Dream was a 21 year old not a kid not even 24 hours ago.

But still he felt like he should protect Dream. He doesn't know why. He blamed it on the fact that he never met someone younger than him. They didn't know Dream's exact age. They forgot to ask but he couldn't be older than Tommy. That's for sure.

„So tomorrow at 10 am?" Tommy asked he kept his voice quiet so he would not wake Dream up. He didn't raise his head though. He just stared down at Dream making sure his breathing is steady.

„correct. We should all sleep now tomorrow is gonna be a long day" Techno answerd. Just short after he left the room to sleep. They decided it was the best if they just slept in the community house. So the next one that left into another room was Phil. Then Punz after that Sam. The last one to leave was Tommy.

So now it was quiet in the community house. The whole smp was quiet everyone was sleeping.

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