Techno POV:
Dream fell asleep again which is honestly no wonder considering how dark his eyebags are seriously it looks like he didn't sleep in years which could be true since no one has ever seen him sleep.
Smol child
Wait what did I miss- hold up is that wilbur fucking soot
God I'm getting an headache. Why can't chat just shut up for 2 damn seconds. This is so god damn annyoing. My thoughts were interrupted when Sam suddendly said
„I'm not sure I don't think we should just trust him like that" Tommy imedaitely glares at Sam before replying „Come on bitch don't be so fucking paranoid. Even if he lied it's not like the world is gonna burn down because he lied. Besides you just say this shit because you hate Dream"
Blood for the blood god
Blood for your mom
what the fuck
serouisly what the heck is going on
I can not deal with this today.
Nobody POV:
Sam just rolled his eyes as responde. The conversation shifts a few times and Dream still seems to be asleep atleast that'swhat he makes it look like in reality he just pretends. He is still leaning against Tommy and it's way too comfortable to leave in his opinion so he just doesn't.
For awhile nothing happened in the community house everything there was just talking. No danger nothing special at all it was a nice change. The other mebers of the smp didn't have such a quiet time. Most where still progressing what happened.
Most where just sittting somewhere silent and thinking others where talking about stuff to either distrect themselves or to get things more clear like Niki and Jack who are both in Niki's backery.
„Heilige Mutter Maria er ist ein Kind! Wie? Warum? Ich glaub ich hab ein an der Waffel werd ich verückt niemals ist das hier real. Das kann es nicht sein. Das ist- absurd-" Niki started rambling but was cut off by Jack „Hey hey Niki I can't understand what you are saying calm down."
Niki quickly looked up to the seat across from hers where Jack was sitting she smiled a bit and said in the most calm voice she could „sorry I just am so confused" Jack noded understanding. Sure it has been a while since the reveal but it still seemed so unreal.
Niki just randomly started rambling in German while Jack would sometimes mumble stuff Niki couldn't understand since he spoke so quietly. Yet no matter how many times they went over this it is still illogical. How he was able to do this or why he did it were questions they know would probably never be answerd.
They both thougth if they talked this over it would make more sence but instead they just get more irrated.
Then there was Puffy she was alone in her house. She could believe the news but she didn't want to. She wanted all this to be fake yet it felt too real. She had cried for hours until she physically couldn't anymore. She knew no matter how often she reapted the words 'I'm sorry' it wouldn't fix anything it wouldn't change the past.
It wouldn't made up for the fact that she replaced Dream 'her little ducklin'. It wouldn't make up for the fact that she didn't help Dream until it was too late and even then she didn't try to help neither does it make up for her not really caring or trying to do anything until she found out.
And still she is just in her room crying not helping her little ducklin who is so obvouisly hurt. She should have noticed earlier she should have help. She should have done so many things yet she did nothing at all.
She continued to cry after awhile until she fell asleep.
Then there were Sapnap and George they were both in their kitchen sitting at their table. At first they didn't want to face the truth and talked about anything they could think of like old memories, movies they liked or other stuff but all lead back to Dream.
They couldn't escape the truth and they knew they shouldn't run from their problems but it was so much easier than acctually facing them but after a while they gave up and decided to talk about it as much as they hate to.
And just like Niki and Jack and other members they don't understand anything.
„What if this is a trick?" Sapnap asked tho it sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than George. George sighed and answerd „We both know this isn't a trick and even if it was how can he shrink himself to look like a child?"
„Yeah I know on the other side how can he grow?" Sapnap responded. George just looked out of the window. He doesn't have an answer. He honestly just wants to go to sleep begging that this is just a nightmare but he knows it isn't. He pinched himself mulitple times just to make sure.
„I don't know how or why or anything. I mean how could we not notice we have know him for so much longer and he- we-" George started talking but cut himself off. He started to bit his lip hoping that his thoughts would finally quiet down so he could sleep.
Sapnap isn't really doing better he is feels angy, sad, betrayed and so much more but most of those emotions are directed at himself and not Dream as much as he would like to somehow blame Dream he knew it probably wasn't right.
Everytime he just thinks of a way that all this is Dream's fault just so he stops blaming himself his brain tells him 'Dream is just a mere child he doesn't know better' Yes Dream is obvouislyvery mature, strong and smart for a child but in the end he can be asmature and smart he wants a child stays a child.

Just a kid?
Fiksi PenggemarWhat if Dream lied the whole time. What if he had a secret that nobody knows not even sapnap or George. What if dream was a child locked up in a prison that isn't even finished. What if Dream had other motivations to do stuff like that then anyone t...