Burning Bridges (Alt End)

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[one shot for Uzumaki: Dragon of the Mist alternate ending] [dark Naruto]

(right before the Akatsuki arrived, Naruto is confronted by the Rookies and his former families Alternate Ending)

Naruto stood off on the other side other training grounds, the Rookies wished to speak to him.

"I wanna know one thing! Who the hell do you think you are attacking Mito like you did back in Wave?" Kiba stated angrily.

Naruto raised an eyebrow at them while both the Hokage and Mizukage watched this with their families along with the clan heads watching this tense stand off.

"Well in my defense she attacked me first, i had no real interest in fighting her at that moment" he said to the dog boy.

Hinata and a couple others looked at said blond who nodded slightly embarrassed at that memory.

"You still had no right to hurt her like that! She is still your little sister" Ino said Harshly to him.

"Why the hell am i being lectured by brats none the less, none of you children know a goddamn thing about me...or the hell i had to face in this place! So step off your high horse blondie!" he said with an annoyed tone, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Have any of you been looked at like you were worse then dirt? Been treated like a disease that no one wanted to be around and have no reason to hope that it will get better?" he asked them.

None of them spoke as they looked down unable to speak at the moment, he was right and they knew it.

"It was still your job to as older sibling to look out for her," Hinata said to him, looking back up and glaring at him.

"Oh this coming from the stuttering little princess who pokes her fingers together and passes out when a boy speaks to her...the same one who lets her little sister beat on her because she has no back bone to stand up for herself...please spare me you little hypocrite" he sneered at her.

This shocked her as to how he knew about that, but bowed in her head in embarrassment. Hisahi was not happy hearing that and neither was his wife.

"Why bother, she had parents, godparents, friends and a biju for company...i had no one, i was ghost, one they didn't want " he said again mainly to himself, emotionlessly.

Minato and Kushina were cringing, having to remember the fact they spent no time with him at all, it hurt them badly, specially Kushina who was holding a sleeping Mirai.

"I'm done with this conversation, i won't stand here and be lectured by these little shits who have no idea how the real world works, good day!" he said annoyed.

He began walking off But the rookies were not going to let him.

"You screwed with one of us, you screw with us all" Kiba said.

Naruto looked back, "okay mutt, your pushing a real fine line here! I am a bounty hunter in case you forgot, i could kill you take you in to a collection agency and go on my merry way! "He explained.

This made the kids look at him wearily and nervously, while the Clan heads tensed up they would make sure that wouldn't happen.

"Naruto, you know you can't do that! You would be branded as an S-Rank and hunted forever "Minato said to him trying to defuse the situation.

Naruto scoffed, "but it's okay for them to talk down to me with this self righteousness? I shouldn't have come back, this was a waste of my time!" he was now furious, he was done dealing with them.

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