All Hell Broke Loose

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The fight of the life of Mito and the world had begun, once she was captured the other 4 would be easy to get.

Jin and Kisame began their attack by taking on Zabuza, Chojuro as well the the other Jounin, this was a fight for the ages as Jin is as powerful as uncles the gold and silver brothers of Kumo and Kisame was the tailless beast.

Zabuza and Gai took Kisame while the others took on Jin as he could make shadow clones.

"You know i always figured we would have to fight someday, who would have thought it would be for the fate of this world," Zabuza said getting read as he drew out his sword, Gai getting into his stance.

"Funny how things work out that way but i'm not here for the girl, i want to fight strong opponents and die like a warrior," he said pulling out his sword.

Chojuro saw Zabuza and felt the strength of not only the leader of the swordsman but the last original member the first gen.

"Alright, then we are here to save Mito-san and the world, whether you are Leaf, Mist, Cloud we must fight to save what we have," he said getting his allies pumped which did the trick as Itachi, Neji, Lee, Kakashi, Asuma and several others made their stances.

"Foolish, we will rip the monster from that bitch and hear screams of pain will be music to my ears, i will enjoy seeing the light leave her eyes," he stated cackling madly.

Mito heard him and became afraid, this guy was a monster. Sasuke, Hinata, Sakura, Ino, Kiba and Choji shielded her from his gaze, ready to kill for their friend. Kakashi glared at him, his surrogate sister's life was on line and he wouldn't fail.

(Kakashi, got over Obito and Rin's 'death's' so he wont be as bad as in cannon)

Jiraya and Tsuande also glared, their godchild's life was threatened and that was not gonna sit with them.

But before any could do anything a voice came behind Jin.

"Well, well then how about we make this a handicapped fight then, because my little sister, means more then you!" the voice said.

Jin felt his right knee get taken out and his left hand smashed as he roared in pain.

Behind him was Naruto who looked over at Mito giving her an Eye smile, she could only gasp at what he said and did, she began to tear up, it felt nice to know her big brother loved her and still cared, she wiped away the stray tears smiling at him.

Naruto then spoke to Edolana, "take out the freaks. Sweetheart!" he said.

She nodded and make her attack flying straight at the two monsters.

While Konan and Rin was in the sights of the kunoichi, Kurenai, Anko, Yugao, Hana, Tsume, Yukino, Yoshino, Tenten, Kin, Tayuya. All ready with weapons drawn. While Tsunade came to the front looking at her enemy with a calculated eye.

"Seems like were wont have it easy as well," Konan stated.

Rin behind her mask nodded, to her comrade.

"You wont get past us, Mito will not be taken by the like of you," Tenten stated.

Many agreed shouts behind her as they readied their weapons and got into their stances.

Minato and the clan husbands ready to attack both Yahiko and Tobi, as Minato remembered the latter from all those years ago. Jiraya stood next to his student who had arrived.

Naruto and Nagato looked at each other face to face.

"This is the end, the path to real peace is upon us and now you will know true pain," the older Uzumaki said.

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