Starting Over

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The stadium went quite as the former son of the Yondaime was called.

Minato and Kushina held their breaths in anticipation, wanting to see the son they had forsaken, at the same time Mei and Zabuza were confused by this then it hit her and she gasped.

"What's wrong?" Zabuza asked his pregnant wife, she looked at him in horror her eyes wide.

"I never finished the name change, i never officially adopted him, Zabuza we haven't spent time with him in nearly a year, we were so busy with Haku and Chojuro...oh kami i did the one thing i promised i'd never do, i abandoned my son," she said the realization hitting her like a bomb and the look of utter devastation plastered on her face.

Whether it was luck of not no one beside the Kazekage (Orochimaru) had hears this and knew he had been abandoned by Minato and Kushina as well.

'oh this is too good, to be left behind by two families, maybe if i break him he'll join me?', he thought to himself trying to not lick his lips.

Mito and her friends in the audience sat their as Itachi walked out on too the floor with fangirls screaming out his name and oogling him.

"Wow, your brother is popular, Sasuke!" Hinata stated.

He looked down, "i know drives the family nuts," he said making them laugh.

Once Itachi was down their he stood waiting for a few moments when a slight colored wind appeared about ten feet in front of him. A man about two feet [6'5] taller then itachi [6'3] appeared and his appearance was shocking.

Wearing green pants taped off with red tape, black closed toes shinobi shoes, with a black sleeveless shirt with showed his muscles quite well underneath, his right arm was bandaged at the elbow with a black glove on, his left arm he tore off the bandages showing his mechanical arm (think of Gildarts from Fairy Tail) with a black glove a black face mask and blue hood.

Many in the audience were in shock this was the former son of their beloved Yondaime, the one everybody thought would be a failure. Many girls were blushing at his physic as were some of the boys, while others looked at his mechanical arm wondering how he got it.

Up in the box, Minato and Kushina looked at the figure of their son with shock, awe, fear and sadness.

"Why does Naruto have that arm?" Kushina asked.

Mei looked at her ashamed of herself as she spoke. "During the civil war, he won that arm fighting against Yagura, while he was in his stage one Biju cloak form," she said softly looking at her son with sadness and disgust in herself.

The other Kage looked at Mei in utter shock and disbelief, but turned back to him as he spoke.

"Itachi," Naruto said trying to be friendly but not really feeling it.

The Uchiha nodded at him and gave him a ghost smile which shocked some spectators.

"Naruto, been a long time," he replied in his monotone voice.

"I heard you got married to Izumi, congrats by the way," he said.

Itachi nodded, "yes thank you for introducing us," he said sincerely to him.

All the while everyone was shocked, Itachi and Naruto had been friends this was new to them all, except for Itachi's wife who looked sadly at Naruto.

Mito looked at Sasuke, "i didn't know my brother is the reason yours is married now!" she said.

He looked at her just as confused, "i didn't either Itachi never really told us how he and Izumi got together," he replied to her.

"Aww that's so sweet," Ino said slightly blushing as did Tenten.

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