The Bounty hunter

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Naruto was now on the hunt for Aoi Rukado, the Leaf Chunnin who murdered a small group of Children from Konoha to show his allegiance to Orochimaru (Ironically he would betray said snake to join Iwa).

Naruto (Terumi) Uzumaki was dead, had been for a month now, he went by the new name of Zeref Grimoire, Bounty Hunter of the Elemental Nation. He wore a hood with a mask on to not show his face or eyes to anyone, and he lived on the Uzumaki Ruins which he kept hidden by illusion magic he learned from his summons the Dragons, only he would be able to break it and he no intent on doing so.

In the Month since his 'Death' many things changed.

In Kiri it was learned of what happened to their hero and a memorial was made to him in the center of the village, an Uzu swirl with the inscription on it.

"Gone is the Flesh of which protected the Mist, but never the Heart which held true to the Will Of Water".

Mei had two more months left before was to give birth to her and Zabuza's Son, but it was a bitter sweet moment as he would never his older brother, they had decided to name him Uza Terumi in honor of the child they threw away.

Haku and Chojuro got married but it didn't feel good, Naruto was not their with them anymore, it felt empty now, Haku rarely smiled and wasnt as bubbly as she used to be, while Chojuro felt bad for it as well, he was the reason they were together but still didn't make it better.

But the Mist had come together, like never before, to ensure another Naruto never happened again, the family became tighter then ever and never pushed anyone away how needed a friendly ear or just some company for awhile.

In Konoha, things much like Kiri felt empty as well, after his death, both the Kage's families had sat down for talk, arguing, yelling, apologizing and agreeing they had decided to be come allies, they burned his body on top of the Kage Mount, Minato and Kushina were heartbroken they never got the chance to apologize the same with Mei, so when their third baby was to be born they would never create another Naruto again, they would correct their mistake and be better parents.

Mito took it the hardest and fell into a deep depression, for days she neither slept nor ate, she felt horrible for her actions, she wanted her big brother back, one day she couldn't take it anymore and wanted to end her life so she could see her Onii-chan again but was caught by her friends, who gave her a real heart to heart and they were able to talk her out of it, she decided then she would be a better sister, friend and person like her parents.

A new law was made that should anyone make the same mistake Minato and Kushina did with there children a council of their peers would be judge and jury for those parents responsible, but none of the others really thought that way as they had seen what had happened that day as well and had become better parents as well.

Itachi didn't know what do to for awhile, he had killed probably the only real friend he ever had, he was angry, sad, upset, and many other emotions and feelings, killing Naruto had traumatized him to a degree, but he made a vow he would carry on Naruto's out look when it came to those in need of help and he never looked back specially after Izumi said she was Pregnant.

The Village hidden in the leaves got a wake call the day Naruto died, they were so wrapped up in their superiority , they didn't see the little boy that needed help, it left a mark in their minds and in the village, like Kiri they tried to be better people then before.

But Naruto was gone and it had changed them all more then they thought it would.


Two weeks after Naruto's Death news began about a bounty hunter who not only killed Orochimaru but gave half the reward to local Orphanages or poor towns that needed it.

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