Blood Loss and New Friends

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Mito had finally woken up from her sleep too see she was in the hospital, her eyes focused, but her mind was in turmoil.

She had been thinking about what Naruto said and to a degree he was right, they had abandoned him, something she greatly fears, it made her angry though he beat her like an academy student, and he wasn't even trying. She looked at her right wrist to see it in a cast, it hurt too breath as well, sad tears filled her eyes thinking back on how callous he is now, but then again it was her fault as well. She never took the time to get to know him, she had her parents and friends but he had no one.

She was taken from her thoughts when the door opened up and in came her parents and god parents, "hello my little misume how are you?" Kushina asked.

Mito just shrugged, "tired and in pain," she said softly.

Kushina came and sat with her, her mother touching her beautiful blond hair,  "sweetheart, what can you tell us about Naruto?" her father asked.

She furrowed her brows thinking, "he still looks the same, same hair, eyes, taller about 6'3 he holds himself in a style of apathy and takes risks, i also saw his left hand was gloved but his right was not, and when he had my wrist in his hand it didn't feel like flesh, i think he has a prosthetic on," she said.

Kushina gasped slightly while the others nodded, "he also very powerful, and looks like he has an arsenal of jutsu, his Killing intent easily matches the kyuubi's without trying," this made them tense, only biju can match biju but even that takes effort.

"And when he killed Gato and his men he took pleasure in it stating that he hates when men are pigs to women and thats all i know," she said.

They were all lost in thought, Kushina felt her heart break a little more, her sochii was a monster and it made her sad, she had failed him and he became a something dark.

"Jiraya-Sensei i'm gonna need more info on him. I need to know what my son has become!" he said sadly.

"From the sound of it, their is a slim to no chance of ever getting him back especially if Mei Terumi is his mother now!" he exclaimed, they all nodded at him.

"I don't think we can bring him back, once the village hears about Mito he'll be hated more then he was before. No all we can do is apologize but as of this moment, no attempt will be made to reach him, lets leave him be and move on, we have done enough damage to him besides we have something to tell you Mito, your gonna be a big sister," he said changing the mood in the room, but the guilt still lingered, when all the sudden her friends all came in too see her with their sensei's.

"Hi Mito-chan we came too see how you are doing," Hinata stated.

She smiled at them all, "i'm all right just conflicted, i guess!" she said them.

"Why what happened?" Ino asked her.

"I met my older brother," she said dropping a bomb on them. They all looked at in shock.

"You have an older brother?" Kiba stated as none of them knew she had an older brother.

"That's what we said too when we found out, it was a shock to us as well," Sasuke said.

She then went to explain what happened at the bridge, getting shocks from her friends, specially Lee who frowned at Naruto's callousness.

"Most unyouthful," he stated as the others agreed with him.

"No, not really he was justified a bit, we abandoned him, my parents took away his birthright, and we never included him in anything! Anyone would become bitter and angry for that," she said to them.

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