Yugito and the Immortals

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With saving Garra, Naruto had headed out for he knew Yugito Nii was next, they had met a couple years prior when he was Naruto Terumi, and he liked her company, as well as the Kunoichi from Taki...Fuu, they were easy to talk to and he related to them on certain levels, which is why we see him racing to save her from 2 of the monsters of the Akatsuki.

Yugito was near Tanzuka Town by an old resort type building, that Hidan and Kakuzu trapped, as like Bee she had complete control of her Biju so she would be able to hold her own, as she made her way their while the Zombie brothers waited for her.

"Is she here yet? I'm bored," Hidan whined twirling his scythe.

"Yes she is now be quite so we can spring the trap," he said.

The pair sat in wait as Yugito came in to the abandoned resort.

'where the hell am i?' she thought.

"Kitten, something doesn't feel right here we need to leave now!" Nibi said sacred for her host.

Yugito agreed and began to make her trek when she saw them coming towards her.

"Oh no the Akatsuki," she whispered afraid.

She looked around and began running to her left hoping to find a way out of this place. Only to find a dead end, her heart racing she knew the only one who knew where she was; was the Raikage, she would have to fight her way out.

The Immortals came into view now and had her blocked in.

"Ha, you have no where to go now bitch!" Hidan boasted.

"Just shut and lets get this over with," Kakuzu stated.

Getting into fighting stances his masks came out and surrounded Yugito, a few seconds later the lightning mask attacked firing off at her as she dodged, it only for the water and wind masks to attack as well and hit her from behind throwing her into the wall as she yelled in pain.

She got back up, and made some hand signs.

"Katon: demon's fireball jutsu".

She spout off several fire balls that made a direct hit to both men but they shook them off like they were nothing, her eyes widened with fear. As the masks attacked her again this time Earth and Fire, Fire missed it's mark but Earth got her and got a few good hits in.

Bloody she knew she had to use Nibi's chakra.

Pulling some out her hair broke from it's band and floated around her as she fought again.

"Demon claw Jutsu".

She roared out as her nail extended out and she began clawing at the Zombies, and got a few good hits in, but she was tiring out having yo fight both.

"Kitten, you need to try to run," her Biju begged her.

Yugito just couldn't fight anymore, she had taken too much damage, she knew this was the end for her and she began to tear up. As both of them got in front of her ready to attack.


Suddenly a black and purple light hit the immortals sending them flying backwards as a man got in between the Jinchuuriki and her captors.

She looked up to see her savior and became tense.

"Hello again Yugi-chan!" the man said in his deep voice.

He turned to her pulling his hood off and his mask down, her eyes went wide it was her first friend Naruto the man she thought died last year.

"What, how?" she began.

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