Fuu's New Home & The Attack

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Moving Fuu would be too dangerous in her condition so they made camp and waited, eventually she came too and saw two people she never met before.

"Who are you?" she said trying to get up to a standing position but the poison was still in her so she was still down.

"Rest Fuu, we mean you no harm, this is Yugito Nii of Kumo, host of the Nibi and i'm Zeref Grimoire Bounty Hunter," he said.

This made Fuu tense at him but he put her at ease lowering his mask, making her gasp, "N-Naruto, how? your dead!"she said as stray tears fell.

He then told her everything so she could understand, afterwards she was angry by that story but she understood it, nodding to him.

"Now then we have to talk about the Akatsuki, you had a narrow escape but they will try again, so i want to remove you from this village and place you somewhere else, like Konoha or even Suna," he said to her.

She thought about it for a little bit and agreed to it, this village loathed her and she knew Shibuki has wanted her to go live her life somewhere better, so it wasn't a hard choice to make.

"I'l go but first we need to go see Shibuki, tell him of this situation first making a clone whike Fuu and clone left to see the leader of Taki.


inside his office Shibuki sat their, dealing with the ramifications of what he was just told, he sighed and looked at both of them, "well i guess i have no choice, Fuu from this moment on you tenture as a Taki shinobi is herby ended i will make it look like you were taken by the Akatsuki, your free Fuu-chan," he said with a sad smile.

She looked at him sadly back, as much as she hated the Village she care for the leader, the only one who show any kindness to her.

She nodded to him handing him her headband and the left, she was now a free agent but where would she go. She met up with Zeref and Yugito with all her belongings packed.

"So were too now?" she asked.

"Well we can take you to Konoha or Suna as i'm friends with their Kazekage the host of Shukaku, he is about you age Fuu and has a brother Kankuro and older sister Temari," he said to her.

Fuu stood their in thought, Suna sounded much better to her.

"Suna sounds better," she said rather excitedly.

The trio nodded and left for wind country to help give Fuu a new life, new friends and whatever else came down the road.


The Ame trio sat in their office, silence was all they heard, "we need to find out who this Bounty Hunter is and deal with him," Yahiko stated.

"Yes he has taken out four of our members and we still don't know how strong he is," Konan stated.

"Well get Zetsu on it till then, we need new members," Nagato stated.

While Obito and Rin were off on the side, "this Bounty Hunter, maybe we could get him to our cause," Obito said.

"Well see," Rin stated as the couple disappeared.


"Yes i think she will be a good addition to Suna, welcome to Suna Fuu," Garra said kindly to her while Zeref and Yugito looked on and smiled.

Fuu was ecstatic by this not only was the Kazekage a Jinchuuriki like her but she could now make friends here and feel like she belonged, granted Suna was a but dustier and dryer then she liked but she could put up with it.

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