Dead Reconciliation & Love Lost

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Naruto sat on a tree branch inside the Forest of Death, his head hurt and he was tired, having been here for the last three days and was ready for the Akatsuki's attack, his spies told him they would be there the day after tommorow.

In that same token he was not wanting to deal with his former families...yes pleural! For you see Mei had just arrived with Zabuza, Haku, Chojuro as well as both Haku and Mei, children as well as their escort which was Kin, Tayuya, Zaku and Dosu. And he was not looking forward to seeing them again.


Mei was in her office with Zabuza and the baby who turning a year old soon, having lunch as he was playing with some toys when a nin appeared.

"Mizukage-sama news from the Yondaime of Konoha, Naruto is alive and in their hospital, he was attacked by members of the Akatsuki," the messenger said.

Mei went silent her eyes going wide as were Zabuza's.

"What? How?" she asked.

The messenger was dismissed as they sat their.

"He was killed in the exams how can he be alive? Were has he been all this time and why did the Akatsuki attack him!" were some of the questions she asked.

"Never mind, we can ask him ourselves, lets pack for the trip, i'll go get our escort," Zabuza said.

(Flashback ends)

They had arrived and now he was being summoned so with no choice he left the forest and headed to the tower to get this over with. As he walked their all the villagers either glanced or stared outright at him, while the whispering was less then subtle but he pressed on just done with all of it.

"Dammit why can't those assholes be here now!" he said to himself.

As he was making his way to the tower he noticed all parties their on the roof for some weird reason but let it go. As he continued on they hadn't noticed him but one did as she ran up too him it was the little Uchiha princess.

He looked over and saw her running to him as her family were walking up and saw him and went wide eyed specially itachi who didn't get his chance to speak to him in the hospital.

"Hewo mista Nawuto!" she said with a smile.

He knelt down to her level, giving her an eye smile, "hello their princess, what are you doing today?" he asked her.

"I don't know my mommy and daddy won't tell me!" she said with a pout.

"Cheer up kiddo, be happy to be a little kid now cause once you become an adult, you'll wish to be a kid again," he told her petting her head.

Just then one of his salamander spies came up to him.

"Lord, they are arriving much soon then anticipated, in two hours time," he said.

Naruto's eyes darken as he turned to Sayuri, "sweety i need you to go back your family now okay, i have important new for the Kage," he said gently to her.

She nodded not knowing what was going heading back to her family as her mother picked up her up as they all looked at him in confusion.

At the same time both Kage and their families had seen him as well as he glanced at the front gates wondering what is going on.

Naruto sighed, biting his thumb he laid the blood across his palm and slammed his hands on the ground.

A puff of smoke appeared with everyone watching in anticipation wondering what he summoned.

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