Examination of Life

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Naruto sat Meditating, on the roof of the house, the exams were close at hand, and it was quite in the house.

He was not all that surprised when Zabuza asked Mei to marry him and she agreed to it, they tied the knot over a month ago and went on their honeymoon yesterday, he was happy for her as Zabuza was good for her and would be the best husband he could.

The same could not be said for him, he and Haku talked for awhile and she looked like she liked him, but after a couple dates she realized it was hero worship only and told him she would be his friend and sibling, her and Chojuro hit it off as they had more in common and went steady. Tayuya and Kin discovered their feeling for each other and became a couple a month ago, with Zuko and Dosu found girlfriends on their on, one working at the hospital and the other reminded Naruto of Anko Mitarashi, her love of blood could be a bit too much.

He was bummed out but accepted it and moved on, no one ever felt that way about him anyways, so he had no reason to believe other wise and maybe it was for the best, he had other things to worry about anyways!

Opening his eyes he stood up and bit his thumb.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu".

Slamming his hand down a giant ball of smoke appeared, he stood there waiting till the smoke dissipated, he saw his personal summon a bluish-green dragon with purple slitted eyes, she was very beautiful and held a certain air of elegance and she loved her summoner.

To Naruto she was his baby, when he got the contract from Uzushio, and was sent to the Dragon's home land he was given her as a reward as he was the first in over 100 years to be the summoner, and he raised her from a hatchling, he named her Edolana, Ana for short.

The second there eyes met she smiled at him, her parents had been killed after she was born by a joint effort of other summons to wipe out the Dragons, he was the closest thong to a parent she had.

"Hello, papa," she said in smooth voice that had more mid and higher range.

"Hello Ana, how are you?" he asked her.

He walked up and hugged her, she was a bit bigger then him now as Dragon grow faster then humans, she was about 7 to 8 feet tall and about 10 feet in length with a pair of beautiful bluish-red wings.

"Sorry i haven't seen you in a couple weeks I've been busy with some personal things but now that your here, i wanted to see if you wanted to train with me some more, finish were we left off last time!" he asked.

She excitedly said yes, even with her elegance she was still a child so she got excited about a lot of things, Naruto chuckled and they headed back to the Dragon's home.


The world of the Dragon's was a beautiful place, filled with floating plateau, many different colorful plants and animals and huge village for Dragon kind with a council of the mightiest Dragons ruling them.

On the council sat Igneel the Fire king, Grenndeeny the Sky Queen, Weisslogia the Light King, Skiadram the Shadow Lord, Metalicanna the Steel Empress and Lucian King of Lightning, at the head is Agnalogia Emperor of Dragonkind.

Together these seven help rule and maintain the balance for all Dragon's, today they sit in the council room and speak about there first summoner in over a hundred years, Naruto 'Uzumaki' Terumi.

"What shall we teach the boy?" Igneel said, the first to speak.

"I say we teach him how to use our power, he has shown great strength and prowess," Metalicanna said out loud before she began chomping on food.

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