Return to the Past

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Naruto had just taken a blade through his chest and he is not happy about it, as he laid there letting the wound heal, even with his Uzumaki blood it still took longer then he would like but it wasn't all bad as he had company in the form of Shion who took a weird fascination to him.

He sat their in the hospital bed watching her as she hummed a tune to her self and was patching up his coat. She smiled to her self a bit then giggled, all the while he just watched her.

"Excuse me, Shion but i am curious why spend all this time with me?" he asked her as he was genuinely curious.

She looked up at him and stopped for a moment, "you remind me of myself, bitter, cynical, afraid to open up to others and trust," she said honestly.

He thought about it and it hit the mark, "well your not wrong about that!" he said softly.

"If i may be so bold, what happened to you for your eyes to be so dull, so lifeless!" she asked him.

He stayed silent for a moment wondering if he should talk to her, he hasn't spoken to anyone like this in a long time over a year, he shrugged can't hurt.

"My original name was Naruto Uzumaki- Namikaze, and i was the first born of the Yondaime Hokage," he started.

Shion paused and looked at him with wide eyes, she had heard of him but thought he was dead, she gasped st the revelation.

"I was born 5 years to the day before my sister Mito, October 10th. When she was born her parents had seemingly forgotten about me, distancing themselves from me even her god parents as well, no one wanted me around, and when i would speak to them they looked at me like a bug that needed to be squished, eventually i gave up trying to bond with them, going to the academy i had no real friends, and the only one who would speak to me was named Itachi Uchiha".

"The night of the Kyuubi attack, a masked man pretending to be Madera Uchiha tried to steal the Kyuubi from his host and force him to attack the village, i was able to stall the masked man long enough for the Yondaime to appear with back up not only saving him but the whole village in the process, the Kyuubi was extracted but soon put into Mito. She was known as the hero of the leaf and i was forgotten about again, i never put my faith into that village again and soon after i was openly attacked, verbal insult being thrown my way".

On October 10, my 13th and Mito 8th birthday she was given my title as Clan Heir by her parents..." he stopped to see Shion openly crying.

"That's not fair, what did you do to deserve that?" she yelled.

He shrugged as he didn't care, that was in the past and it made no difference to him anymore.

"Realizing i had no place in Konoha, i fled during Mito's party and never looked back. A week later i had arrived in Kiri were i was met by fighting as they were embroiled in Civil War. It was their i Met Mei Terumi the Godaime Mizukage, after rescuing her she gave me a choice go with her or leave again,for some strange reason i will never understand she wanted me to go with her, stating she always wanted a son, it was the first time in a long time some one had actually wanted me," he stopped for a moment to catch his breath as it still gets him from time to time.

"After ending the war, she was made Mizukage and she adopted me as her son, i thought finally i would be okay and i was for five years. Then she asked me to bring back Zabuza Momochi and his adopted daughter Haku, which i did and not too long after they got married. But as always good things end, they came home from their honeymoon and they began distancing themselves. Not to the degree like before but i could tell, soon enough Haku became engaged to Chojuro of the new Seven Swordsmen, in all actuality i liked her first and i thought she did too but apparently not and went for Chojuro and soon they both forgot about me as well, my step-sister and my first and only best friend. Soon it was like being back in Konoha, only Kiri didn't hate me, then the Jounin exams were to tale place, after nearly a year of their neglect i had; had enough, during the exams i let Itachi kill my Blood Clone letting the world think i died and have never looked back...i am now a bounty Hunter," he said ending his story.

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