Beautiful Tragedy

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No had expected for that to happen, but yet it did, Naruto had transformed into something else, they saw him taking Nagato and his six paths away from the field. Now making a bit more roomier.

Naruto stopped at the edge of the forest about 5 miles outside the village, were the elder Uzumaki went skidding across the ground about 10 feet as his paths came to stop in front of him.

Naruto stood their his dragon force glowing. Even with it being the first time ever being used he felt no side affects yet.

Nagato stood up glaring at the boy his Rinnegan glowing.

"Your only delaying the inevitable".

"No i'm stopping it".

Naruto wasted no time as he charged forward, throwing a punch at the first path in his way knocking it aside.

As two other paths came in for the attack. The fight began.

Naruto caught a punch, thrown by the 2nd path as the 3rd path threw a kick. But Naruto saw it and caught it with ease but what he didn't count for was a 4th coming up from behind and kicking him square in the back sending him flying.

As the 1st came back fixing it's jaw the six stood their waiting.

Naruto returned to continue on, kicking the 4th in the face, while the first three attacked again.

The Taijutus fight was intense as punches and kicks were felt because of the awesome force behind the strength. Neither party giving ground, soon enough the last two appeared in the fight, making it a six on one, but Naruto didn't care as he had a job to complete, he knew he wouldn't be surviving this but this didn't matter to him anymore he was ready for peace.

Back inside the Leaf, the remaining members of the Akatsuki were not fairing as good either.

Yahiko and Obito were losing against the combined might of Minato, Fugaku, Jiraya and Hiashi.

As well as many of the Jounin of the village.

Konan and Rin were surprisingly able to hold their own against the Kunoichi, just barely though.

The damage was held mainly to the front were the main gates were, so no civilian casualties could be had.

"At this rate were not gonna survive this." Yahiko said wiping some blood off his mouth, panting hard.

Obito who glared at his former village, agreed but they had to get it done by any means.

While Minato and Fugaku came in for another attack. Too many lives counted on this fight.

Taking a Hirashin Kunai, Minato led the charge.

Tsume who was in charge of the Kunoichi, was breathing hard, watching her comrades fight. Tsunade had thrown a punch cracking the ground as the Akatsuki moved out of the way. But were met by one side by Kin and Tayuya and the other by Anko and Hana who took advantage of their lapsed state.

While Rin saw it coming Konan didnt as she feared for Yahiko and Nagato.


Konan's eyes went wide, as she felt a blade sticking out of her chest, she looked down to see a small sword, with a pair of hands on it. Looking up she Yugao who held no expression.

Roughly pulling the sword out Konan fell and instant kill shot as her heart had been severed.

Yugao looked back a grim and tired look on her face.

Rin looked on to see her friend dead, filled with rage at her former village her eyes began glowing as she pulled out tag bombs and throwing them at her enemies, soon enough explosions were seen and heard as well as cried of pain were the only noise heard.

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