Chapter 9: Love Me Some Tough Love.

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Always practice safe sex!

"Sorry, we don't have condoms," said Bright, "but I promise I have always used protection and even so, I am tested recently and clean." He continued, fixing his gaze into Win's half lidded eyes, "But I understand if you feel uncomfortable."

Having had somewhat active sexual life during his early twenties, Bright had learned more than enough to be cautious. Sexual intercourse might bring one a flood of physical pleasure, but the consequences of unsafe sex could be fatal. "What do you say, huh?"

"Umm..I'm clean..go..ahead." Win nodded, sensitive and dead embarassed to accept that he was a curoius virgin. He knew there was nothing wrong with that, it was his own choice afterall. Still, there was this belligerent kick of mortification he could feel at the thought of offering something -so intimate- he had denied his own boyfriend, to a stranger.

However, the excitement and heat of lust pooling low in his belly won.

So when Bright inched forward, he zealously spreaded his legs further apart. Just like an eager bunny that he was. He presented himself for Bright, no shame, the shyness that he had earlier was out of the window, somewhere over the horizon as soon as Bright made him beg.

Win was too turned on to care that he'd been whining like a baby. His hole clenched around nothing and dick leaked a drop of pre-cum with every breath Bright took.

Letting out quiet and sultry noises Win wiggled closer to Bright. The older man chuckled and that damn deep voice went straight to his painfully throbbing dick, begging for Bright's attention, which the older was purposefully denying to him eventhough he himself was utterly wasted.

"Excited, ain't we?" Bright smirked as he gathered Win's cum and lathered it all overhis dick. Squeezing his thighs, Bright pulled him close, leaving absolutely no way Win can squirm away.

"No crying, yeah?" Bright lined his tip up with Win's entrance. "You begged for this."

Win scoffed. Arrogant, Bright thought.

"I'm stro--ah, holy fuck, no...stop god dammit. It hurts." Win's stentorian, loud screech prevaded the palpable air inside the room. The cry so tasty and desirous Bright barely held himself from drilling that hole fast and rough, instantly.

"You're crying." Bright propelled his hand forward, stroking his reddened cheeks, wiped his tears away. The hand seductively slid down to Win's mouth.

"Open", and Win did exactly as he was summoned, obediently parted his plump lips for Bright, his eyes brimming with another set of fresh tears.

Bright drank the alluring view underneath him, obscene and dirty in the most beautiful form. Win's addicting lips, waiting for his fingers to dive in, parted with invitation.

Win squirmed under him, the heat encasing his dick clenched ever so slightly and Bright had his heart almost in his mouth. Fuck, Win would be the cause of his death.

Two long, calloused fingers entered Win's cakehole, leisurely, passionately. The salty taste of his own tears mingled with his tastebuds instantly as the fingers propelled further down to his throat, stretching his mouth wide open. He gagged. Both of his orifices full of Bright now, filled to the hilt. He felt so so good.

The fingers moved inside his mouth. Out to his bruised lips just to go back in, continuously. Bright had his own bottom lip caged between his teeth, eyes focused on his fingers, fucking those alluring pair of lip. He  relished those melodious bleats of Win, gagging so perfectly on his digits.

"Aren't you fucking tasty baby?" The massive shaft inside his hole drew out slightly, he wouldn't have known had he not been sensetive down there, and Win felt himself split apart, stretched like never before. He screamed so loud that he felt his throat bruised.

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