Chapter 16: I am lovesick.

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Wordvomit ahead. Proceed with caution.

There was something celestially lyrical in the way this supposed unco figure triggered the long-desired emancipation of those raw and real emotions that had settled like a heavy weight inside his heart

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There was something celestially lyrical in the way this supposed unco figure triggered the long-desired emancipation of those raw and real emotions that had settled like a heavy weight inside his heart. He after a long time felt truly liberated with his heart lighter than a feather, unshackled and free.

There was something celestially lyrical in the way the said stranger turned out to be his very own person, sundered only to find his way back when the time was right and Win needed someone to hold onto. It felt as though everything had been fated since long ago.

There was something beautifully poetic in the way Bright so naturally, and with ease paved a way inside his heart, and somewhat made an impression would he never forget in this lifetime, perennially setting up his importance in Win's life, so presumptuous yet, so endearing.

Now that he assessed his relationship in the past, before the man had made his magical debut in his life for the second time, perhaps, he had never felt his heart flutter in a true sense. Perhaps, he had never truly felt what it would be like to adore someone and get adored back double the amount. He might be wrong, but he refused to believe.

He smiled, spying the fading glow of the sunlight as the Sun slowly but surely disappeared into the embrace of horizon, paving a way for the Moon to appear and the night to rule. It was as though they had a secret pact to never see eachother despite sharing the same sky as their home. He shook his head, and leaned over the glass parapet of the balcony, overlooking the beautiful Phuket; optimistic and submerged inside his own bubble.

A sense of calmness he felt invade him, washing him over with peace. So emerged into his thoughts, he had almost forgotten how dynamic time could be. Spending lots of time with ownself had been his primary priority since long, and he had barely got to enjoy himself alone since he got there. Now that his wish had been granted, he got lost in his thoughts. The Sun had travelled back to the western hemisphere and a ghost of the moon could be seen. Tiny stars littered around the dark canvas of the sky, though dim, he could evidently dechiper their existance.

He couldn't hold back the gigantic smile from gracing his face, even the stars lead him to the dorky man named Bright. It was some nights before, they were both out in the patio, stargazing, as Bright had wanted. Both seated on an Outdoor Basket Hanging chair, with Win embracing Bright tight to his chest from behind, as they swayed back and forth, studying the twinkling stars scintillating the sky. He had complained about always being the smaller spoon, everytime they cuddled, and Bright had let him be the bigger one for the night, thus their position.

He had said something akin to everything being a dream or a figment of his imagination for it felt too good to be true, as he rested his chin atop Bright's head and played with those calloused hands simultaneously. His jinxed fate couldn't have cut him such a slack. "Even the stars are telling me that."

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