Chapter 19: Eh, where's the magic word, Bright?

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This might be all over the place, and make no sense. Read at your own risk. Your votes and comments are appreciated!!❤️

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"We need to talk." Like that of an enraged thunder, loud, louder and promising, the subject of his longing roared. His eyes glinting, glaring, shooting the flames of all possessing fire, that Win was sure, held a promise, an oath to burn him in it's wake, leaving what remained of him into ashes.

Full, pouty mouth parted, breathe escaping in puffs, chest heaving heavily, as though a tonful of weight had been pressing down on it, Bright marched in his direction. Those eyes unblinkingly staring through him, dilated and sparkled with a dark glint; a promise of the sinuous punishment, or was it reward? Win had no will to know. All that mattered was, he thought, Bright was here. "Right now, Win."

A scoff, Win guessed, was worthy of a reply.

Bright had the audacity to look beautiful, even enraged, and unsettled. So much beautiful that Win thought it was unfair. Big bambi eyes darkened, yet the brightest Win had ever seen, lips so full, Win would love to bite, again, again, again, and even so, he knew he would never have the opportunity to get over their allure. It was so endearingly unfair, Win felt, those who would dare complain had to either be stupid or foolish.

Perhaps, both.

Win thrived in the thought that he was neither, and let a slow smile stretch his lips in triumphant victory, uncaring of what Bright would think of his goofy behaviour. Moreover, he thought, whatever Bright made of him had to be every complimenting thing he might or might not deserve, considrering the adoration the latter had been bestowing upon him.

It was no secret that Bright was utterly besotted, and, Win knew, so was he. Whatever had transpired between the two of them within so less a time, was truly admirable, as it was shocking.

Win felt his mouth dry, and he swallowed before giving the circumference of his round lips a full lick. The action was not intended to derive the reaction from Bright it did, but Win thought it was inevitable. Bright followed his course of action with unfailing scrutiny, and he saw his jaw tick, before he slowly gave his own lips an equally obsene coat of saliva. Ruggedness poured out of him in waves.

Win was fond of everything that Bright was. He was fond of how Bright could be soft and also very coarse. Soft and caring and so very understanding when calm, yet so very dangerous and intimidating when provoked. But when he was infused with undiluted passion and vigorous determination, he was what Win loved the most.

And, all that Bright seemed to be right then, was just that.

He studied Bright, and the man studied him back, from where he stood by the foot of his bed. The length of his wide shoulders draped in dark fabric, the stretch of the same fabric painfully tight around the biceps he loved carassing so much, he wished them circling tight around his throat instantly, and shuddered with the slow twitch of his half hard dick. They had been strong, and rough, and still gentle the last time they had worked on him. Large, huge and every other word that synonamed, fit Bright so perfectly. Big muscular hips and girthy di--

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