Chapter 20: Come here and take me as you wish, dammit!

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A very short update!

I've written some nasty things here (since it is B's pov and I love myself a very dirty B), hope you guys won't be appalled, if you decided to read.😂

"Good thing I enjoy it. Playing with fire."

Bright, despite all that rage and fucking desperate urge to bend Win over any and every surface in his vicinity, was nonplussed for, probably, a third time today. He shouldn't have been, should've known better. That glint of stubborn determination in Win's pretty eyes was venomous, intoxicating Bright like a slow, lethal drug. And it only seemed to indurate as the seconds passed away, momentarily incapacitating him with the increasing spirit and courage Win displayed.

The pure, unadulterated white camouflage that Win had been cocooned in once, was now peeled off under the paramount influence of Bright's untamable salacity, transforming him into this lewdly sinuous form; one embracing all that dark, sultry red painted over his unblemished body like a second skin. Bright observed avidly with his imperious eyes as Win glowed with the expression of undue want, and bawdiness, arching his back off the cold wall in that salient gesture.

Confident appeared Win, and lord, confidence was sexy. So much that it called for an unapologetic hunger from deep within Bright's being, so much that it scared him with just the thought losing control over his self.

But Win wore the confidence gracefully, and the lunatic in Bright roared to feast upon that grace.

And Bright would so love to devour all that conviction gradationally, plucking Win's inhibitations apart petal by petal, softly, until Win whined like a bitch in heat to be taken apart, used like a vessel for his Alpha's pleasure.

Those.....Jesus , those messages flashed into the forefront of his mind, instigating a surge of irritating want inside him that shot a blazing flash of electricity up his spine, and perhaps he should have been worried knowing that he was so easily turned on, but his farcical mind was so busy admiring all that flushed skin of his...fuck yes, his boy. His boy whose innocence had been tarnished now, who was striped of his flower. Bright could feel it in that determined gaze, and those filthy messages that he had rubbed off on Win so fucking deeply.

His cock twitched. But then it had always, when it came to Win.

"Are you seriously fucking with me?" Bright authoritatively grumbled out, staring anywhere but staright into Win's pristine face. Not because he could see those hardened nipples inside that white shirt, and couldn't tame the urge to tongue them out or anything. But yeah!!

Win batted his pretty fucking eyelashes, pouting his lips in that fucking irritating way that made Bright want to suck on them like some starved fucking beast.

"Uh- huh. That's my question exactly, Bright. Are you seriously fucking with me, or not?"

Oh, Bright was so going to fuck with him, and then some more. It seemed like a good time to use the stupid fucking tie that had been making him feel stuffed and unpleasent for something productive instead.

Expecting Bright's silence a cue, Win started. "God, Bright. You can be so boring at times," said he, stretching, perhaps on purpose, to make Bright stare at his chest. And man, did Bright stare.

Could his cock get even more hard? Yes, because fuck!!

Bright had long stopped wondering what it was about Win that made him feel obsessed, controlling, perhaps irritated too. Irritated in a sense that he fucking couldn't stop thinking about Win, wanting to touch him, bite him, sear inside his skin and crawl into his heart. was pathetic how much this obsession had divulged deep inside his core, and stubbornly housed itself.

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