Watcher Au
Aivans AuWord count: 909
Joel is a Aivan
Jimmy is a watcher____________________________
Well Jimmy didn't have the best friendship with fwhip, well they were enemys but could next to each other if others were there, Jimmy had enough of all of this, he had enough of someone stealing his stuff, blowing his place down all the times, making fun of him, or just bullying him for no reason, Joel didn't know the situation was this bad.They never knew what Jimmy would do if he had enough, if he snapped, if he left, he never did those things, well Jimmy had enough, he decied to fly away, first everyone thought it as a joke but after 2 weeks, it wasn't a joke.
Of course he didnt left by having nothing with him, he had meat, potatoes, his weapons and tools, his bed, and a shelter box with more things, he had started a new life, but very far away from the others.
"He couldn't go that far" Said Fwhip to the others , he was one of the people who didn't wanna search for him but also did, kinda like you hate the person but when you leave them, they want you back.
"Yes, he could! " Said Joel who was the only one knowing he got wings, he just didn't know him being a watcher, "he couldn't go far, he's elytra was close being broken" said fwhip to Joel in confusen, Joel realized what he said, after that he was quiet. And started looking for him. I'm again. Most of the servers now wanna salso confused but ignore it and start looking for him also.
The thing what happend was after Jimmy's elytra broke he used his wings what went a lot faster, he hasn't used them for years, so he was pretty impressed by his flying skills, he loved his wings he didn't remember his wings were blue but they were pretty, his wings did grown more know and they were faster too.
It has been now 4 months, 4 months, well they said to fwhip to go to search from very far away, just were Jimmy had stopped, Jimmy haven't made a base or anything so it was harder, fwhip had passed out pretty close to Jimmy, Jimmy wanted yo left him there but put his bed down and put him on the bed, he waited sitting on the ground now have been 2 hours and fwhip woke up,
The others didn't think what took so long. Well, Joel really didn't think about it. He just missed Joel. Well, his friend, of course.
"Wha- Jimmy? " Said Fwhip as he woke up, "Hi fwhip" said Jimmy who still haven't looked at him, "listen- we need you back" he was gonna say more but Jimmy interrupted him "Okey, but first you need to eat" he went to take meat from his chest, "here" said Jimmy finally looking at him, "wow you look different" Jimmy said to him "you do too" fwhip said as he took a bite from the meat Jimmy gave him, "your elytra is broken, so is mine, what are we gonna do? " said fwhip after eating the meat.
Jimmy didn't answer. He just went to get his stuff and said, "Here, you may wanna say something to your friends," holding his commuciater,
<Fwhip> Coming
<Smallishbeans> coming with somebody?
Fwhip looked at Jimmy, and Jimmy nodded, knowing his question.
<Fwhip> yes
Now after got Jimmy everything he said, "I got carry you" "I can walk" Said Fwhip pretty confused, Now Jimmy showed his wings and said "no were flying" as he grabbed Fwhip "don't look down" Jimmy said as he went up from the ground, Fwhip was awazed by Jimmy's wings, but really didn't wanna say anything about, I mean they were enemys, I guess?
After a while, Fwhip fell asleep on Jimmy arms, now Jimmy was a more slower, and as he didn't want to drop him, that would hurt, I mean, yeah, they were enemies, butane? Now had been months.
Went they arrived Scott was first one to see them and yelled other about, othera came there, they now say Jimmy's wings, when Gem tried to touch them, Jimmy hid them "why did you take them back" asked Scott, Jimmy was too nervous to say anything and looked at Joel, "Joel can explain" as he ran to his base, almost crying, Fwhip followed him. 8
Now they looked at Joel, Joel pulled out his wings and started explaining
The explaining
___________________"If you have wings, real wings, you first need to have some to trust, if someone randomly will what to touch them, that makes the person scared if something happend in their past, or they just don't trust the person, many people with wings are scared of people coming and cutting them, hurting them, anything like that, I knew about his wings he knew about mine, he trusted me because I had protecting him at one point, someone probably hurt his wings to cause it, like scar, punch, or whatever, and there a reason why his wings were blue, but I can't tell that reason "
Jimmy ran on his bed crying and hid in a blanket when he felt someone hugging him, it was Fwhip, he really didn't know what to do but he hugged him, and they both felt asleep, in others arms
(I am trying to get it friendship like-)

Hermicraft And Other Stories
Fanfictionim not shipping the real life people Slow updates because of school My stories are mostly short or in parts! Hermicraft, Empires, Dream smp, 3rd life and more others