Little bit of ships Fluff
Grian×Scar3rd life smp
Little angst at the start
____________It was a rainy day in 3rd life smp, Skizz was at his base, he was just sitting on his bed and looked at things, thinking how he got them, what happend to them, he was bored , he got nothing to do, he could go to the rain, but he didnt want to get wet. It was a night also and no one got sleep that night because of the rain and later the mosnters.
Skizz was not worrying about the mosnters as his base was full of torches, and also he got iron doors.
(Ignore the fact that it's raining and theres' torches)
He heard someone asking to open to the door, he went and did, he saw Tango, Scar and Grian, why would Grian and Scar be here with Tango? Now Tango ran inside as he saw the door open, Grian and Scar just walked inside.
Skizz understanded what Tango was here as he knew he was a blaze, but what about the other two? Now Skizz asked, "What are you guys doing here." He was so nervous and angry at Grian and Scar. He just wanted to punch Scar and Grian in the face.
Skizz Pov:
Now i hered from Scar "were still friends, right?" Right? WHY WOULD WE BE FRIENDS?! I was angry at this point, then i calmed myself as i felt someone hugging me. It was tango.
Now i was quiet for a second as i hered again. "Skizz?" From them, i then looked at them and said,"Yea, what do you guys want?" I still tried to cover the rest of the anger in my voice.
Scar looked at grian, and then grian said "Well we need a place to stay for the night because theres many mosnters everywhere, and they almost killed scar, and we thought we could stay here." 'Almost killed him,' I thought to myself, and then i aswerled "yea, okey, you can." As i went to a chest, look for something.
Tango was sitting on my bed, covered in blankets, Grian was sitting on the floor and Scar was sitting on a chair next to the door, now i got some bandages for Scar, now i went to him and asked him to show me were the scar as i didnt know if he even had one, but Scar was a person who would get one from zombies.
Scar showed his arm, and i went to put the bandages on his arm, as the time i was finished i realized the others was coming too, i was already calm, but it was litreally gonna be a war at my place! They came through the mines and came to the room with chests, two beds, Grian on the floor, Scar bandaged up, and Tango being under few blankets.
The stared for a second, and then i heard voice from Scar. "Same problem?" As he looked at them smirking, Ren, Martyn, and Etho. They all looked at each other and said "Yea" and laughed little. Now Scott and Jimmy came out of the door and went sitting on the other bed .
After few minutes they heared someone coming from the mines, it was impulse, who was with joel, impulse went next to Tango and kissed him, now i looked at them and said "oh i see, you two are couple now." Tango and impulse just blushed and looked away from me, Joel went to sit on the floor.
Third person pov:
Now there was people laughing, and having fun, they all decied to play truth or dare because the time would pass faster, even though some people fell asleep the people who had fallen asleep were Scott, Jimmy, Tango, before the game started Bdubs and Cleo joined, Cleo was tired , so Skizz went to get a bed for Cleo, Martyn and Joel didnt wanna play they just watched the game.
Now Ren said, "Bdubs wanna play?"Play what?" Bdubs aswerled confused, Now Scar said,"Truth or dare. " Bdubs looked at the tall people, Scar and Ren, so he just said "yeah" Now Bdu heared impulse "Yes!"
Now Skizz came back, and put the bed down and said, "There Cleo, i guess Bdubs will be joining us?" "Yea!" Came from Joel they all sat to a circle all Grian, Scar, Impulse, Skizz, Ren, and Etho.
Now Ren asked first "Skizz, truth or dare" then Skizz aswerled "truth" "do you have any pets?" Ren asked Scar hoped that Skizz would have as he loved cats, Skizz went to the place where he got the bed from, and taked a cat from there, "Yea, i found him nearl the villagers" Now Scar looked and said "Can i pet her or him?" Now Skizz gived him to Scar and said,"Yeah, it's a she." Scar already loved the cat and said," So it's Skizz Turn, right?" "Yea!" Came from impulse and Bdubs.
Now, Skizz asked, "Grian, truth or dare?" "Truth, i hate dares," Grian said." Do you like someone?" Skizz asked, Grian blushed and thinked of and aswerl, then he just answered,"Yea, now let's move on!" Few people laughed at bit, and then Ren said "okey okey, your turn." As he stiil was laughing from what Grian said, now Grian looked at Etho and asked,"Etho, Truth or dare?" "Dare!" Etho said "Take you mask off!"Grian said, Etho was scared for a second as he never had taken it off next to someone or so many people.
Ren looked suprised, well all of the people did, as they never saw him like that before, no one judged him, Ren thought he looked hot the both ways, with the mask and without, Ren of course didnt ssy it out aloud, as others could hear him, but now he snapped out of it as Etho started "Scar, truth or dare?" "Truth" Scar said as he was still petting the cat. "Have you ever kissed somebody?"Etho asked Scar, who still had the cat near him, Scar aswerls "no. " Now Ren goes "dude you haven't got your first kiss yet?" Impulse now said,"Grian should kiss him, " and then Etho aswerled "ooo" Grian was crealy blushing now, Skizz now said "Grian you look like red are blushing?"Shup up" came from Grian, covering his face with his hands.
Now Scar went towards the man with a red sweather, and kissed him, right to the lips, Then Ren said "YOO" Etho laughed then kissed Ren arm, Ren laughed, and smiled, now after all the screaming from Scar kissing Grian , Martyn now said "Hey, they Etho kissed someone to the arm!" "Who!" Impulse said, then Joel said,"Ren!" Ren and Etho both blushed and then Etho said "that was nothing" and others started to laugh, now the rain was calmer and Skizz asked "are we gonna gonna still ask two people from here, or are we gonna go to sleep i go get the beds, if you guys sleep here i mean" and now he meant Bdubs and Ren, Ren then said "Heck yeah! Ask me, " Scar then asked."Ren, truth or dare?" "Dare!"Kiss Ehto!" Then well Ren looked at Etho and went for it, there it was they kissed "happy?" He looked at Scar, impulse went to bed with Tango and waited for Skizz to come and to the final question for bdubs, now Ren asked bdubs, "Bdubs, Truth or dare?" "Truth" Bdubs said, "then Ren said,"Do you like someone in the Hermicraft server?" "Yea" Bdubs aswerled as Skizz came with the beds, Green for Joel, Red for Grian and Scar, Blue for Bdubs, white for Etho and Ren, Grey for Skizz, before he went to sleep he said to impulse who was one block away from him, "im officialy Single, Good night."Good night" from the others.
At least they had that night fun and didn't fight for once, right? Skizz had forgotten what he thought about in the start.
I hope you liked itThis took for a few hours, but crazy! This was a lot of fun to write, also this is one of my first long ones!
Words: 1397
I'm sorry if it's bad. This was one of the first writings, and also, long one

Hermicraft And Other Stories
Fanfictionim not shipping the real life people Slow updates because of school My stories are mostly short or in parts! Hermicraft, Empires, Dream smp, 3rd life and more others