Empire smp Part 2

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Aivans & watcher Au
Joel Aivan
Jimmy watcher

Word count: 428

Fwhip × Jimmy (this wasn't gonna happend but it did remember Im not shipping real-life people)

"That's why," said Joel, who now kept his wings closer to him, " What happens to them then?" Said Scott, "I shouldn't touch his wings, " said Gem,

With Jimmy and Fwhip

Jimmy woke up at night, he was hugging someone Fwhip? Jimmy realized that he was at his original base at night hugging his enemy, but now he remembered what happend, he was tired but didn't wanna go back to bed, Now Fwhip woke up and put him on the bed again, he was definitely tired.

"Jimmy, go back to sleep," said Fwhip

Jimmy didn't have a chance as Fwhip's arms were around him, and he was sitting pretty close to him, Jimmy didn't say anything, but he went to sleep on Fwhip's arms.

Fwhip thinking;

He's cute when he's asleep - wait, no were friends, right? Just friends, I mean we would be enemys?

Fwhip went to sleep and next morning woke up Joel looking both of them sleeping together, Fwhip looked first confused but when he realized that Jimmy was in his lap sleeping, he went fully red, "someone has a crush" Said Joel to Fwhip, "I do not" said Fwhip, "yeah whatever, Jimmy wake up" said Joel to Jimmy after answering Fwhip, Jimmy woke up, "Huh? Joel? " Said Jimmy after he woke up, he quickly stood up, he was tired so he just said "Fwhip? Why are you here? " he asked as he looked at him, Fwhip knew he was still red."Get changed so we can go meet the others he says as he stands and goes outside with Joel.

" now Jimmy realizes what happend and went red thinking about, but just change his clothing and went outside, where to boys were arguing "I do not have-" said Fwhip who got interrupted by Jimmy who came "what are arguing about? " Jimmy asked .Nothing," said Fwhip before Joel could say something.

When they got with the others Gem hugged Jimmy and then said Sorry for touching his wings earlier Joel was still saying like 'you have a crush on him' (y'know) Joel opened his wings so Lizzie could touch them, Jimmy opened his ones and then heared Fwhip asking to touch them, he answered and Fwhip keep saying thing like 'your wings a soft' 'they are beautiful as blue' he just yelled nice things about them and remembered to touch them soft and slowly.


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