The instrument

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Ren likes to play Guitar |

Word count; 650


Ren always had played guitar, never told the other hermits, he thought that they would think he was bad or that it was stupid, Ren always would go to in a forest, or somewhere no one saw him playing guitar, until the others find out.


It was pretty late, and Ren took his guitar and left to the forest, he made sure no one would follow him, he then went sitting on the calm grass, he felt the wind, and then he started playing the guitar

Ren didn't sign much, that why he didn't sing he just played guitar, Ren finally could breath and take breath from the all the wars and fights that already had been going on.

Doc didn't sleep well, he today wasn't really tired, Doc always had heared the guitar everynight, he always listened to it, it was always beautiful to listen, Doc standed up and wanted to go look for the guitar boy.

Doc wasn't sure where it came from, So he has to search every place, I mean he could just go to their bases and check who wasn't in their base, but he didn't wanna wake others up, as also the enemy of some people.

The person stopped and started playing another, Doc listened for a second, It was the one someone always listens to, but couldn't remember who.

Doc listened, it was coming for the forest, the forest wasn't even that close, Doc's other ear could just hear things for far away, Doc started walking towards the forest, he had time because the person, always was there for a long time, that why it mostly wasn't bdubs.

He always would sleep atleast five hours, Doc knew that the person  who was playing the guitar didn't get enough sleep, definitely, just like him, but who other than Doc was like that?

Well the answer is unknown for now...

Doc saw light it was a torch, and a person with ears playing, Doc saw the red shirt, and knew it was Ren, He went closer and said, "Ren? " in a calm voice, as it was night, and Doc didn't wanna scare him.

"Doc?! " Ren said, he didn't get jumpscare but he did get scared, Ren stayed quiet until Doc spoke up again, "that was beatiful" Doc said, it made Ren blush, so he just broke the torch, so no one saw him blushing.

Doc picked Ren up, "Doc? " Ren said when he first picked him up, "yes? " Doc said, "do you really think its was beautiful? " Ren asked, "Yep, just like you" Doc said flirting, "I'm gonna carry you to your base to sleep, you need it" Doc added "You can't escape it, and you are going to play for me in the morning" Doc said, now being at Ren's base.

"Here" Doc said putting down, Ren just ran into his bedroom, and Doc went back to his base.

///////In the next day//////

Ren woke up, and immediately remembering what happend, he blushed when thinking about it, but he took his guitar, and left it was pretty early so there wasn't really many people, only bdubs saw the guitar, he didn't even say anything.

Ren saw Doc sitting on grass, so he enet next to him, and started playing, the gathered pretty much people, around Ren, bdubs was she first one who came of all of them but then there came others, and some people just heared it from their bases.

When he stopped playing, some people were clapping, and Ren just laughed, "you never told us, you can play guitar!" Bdubs said, "sorry I just thought it was a stupid tale-" Ren said, "no it's not Ren, it's actually pretty awesome" Impulse said from his Right.

"Now we need just need someone to sing the song! " Xisuma laughed, and so did the others.


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