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When you become one of the most popular teen stars at the young age of 14, you can't expect things to go perfectly- it's just not the way things work. Sadly I found that out the hard way. It started cause I made a choice. A very bad choice.

It was the 28th of February, 2022. I was asleep in my small room in our large house in Northampton, New York, curled up in a ball, my earbuds in my ears and my I-pod dead from playing music all night. I was the only one in the house, despite the fact it was morning. My dad was in New York City at his work, and my mom was taking my 11-year-old sister Lana to her friend's house, so I was alone. My long chestnut-colored hair was strewn all over my pillow and my emerald green eyes were shut, trying to block out the rays of golden sunlight seeping through the windows. 

I turned over, still half asleep, then suddenly sat up. I had heard someone knocking at the door. My mom had always warned me against opening the door to strangers, so I crept over to the window on the opposite side of the room that looked out over the front door and peeked out at the person. Indeed it was a stranger, an important-looking woman. I couldn't see her that well, but I could see that she was wearing a smart black dress and a furry coat over it. Probably not another crazed fan, although with the odd disguises they come up with these days you never can tell.

"Hello?" she said in a slightly Australian accented voice. "is anyone home?" I hurried down the stairs, ignoring the voice of my mother inside my head.

"Who is it?!" I yelled to the person at the door.

"May I speak to Roxanne Amacara please?" the woman said. I opened the door. The woman was tall and pretty, with cropped black hair and rose-red lips.

"I'm Roxanne," I said politely, "but you can call me Roxy. How can I help you?" the woman smiled and held out a hand. I shook it.

"My name is Ada." she said. "it's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Thanks!" I replied, use to this statement. The woman looked around.

"May I come in?" she asked politely. I hesitated. On the one hand, the woman seemed very kind and harmless. But it could be a front... I decided to take my chances. Looking back I knew I was being stupid, but at the time I was too curious- and curiosity makes my IQ level sink down to the equivalent of a soggy corn chip.

"Yeah, sure. Come in." I said, motioning Ada into the living room. We both sat down on the sofa and Ada faced me.

"Now Roxy," she said excitedly, "I came to propose a job for you. Confused as you might be, because this is normally not the way people do things, the studio thought we should come to you personally. I know you have music to make, tours to do, and fans to keep happy. So I came to offer you the lead part in a movie that will make you even more recognized." As she said this, I finally noticed the name tag hanging around her neck. It read-

Ada Catersin
Silver Lining film company

"OMG!!!" I squealed. "you're from the Silver Lining film company!!!" Silver Lining was the most famous film company out there, and it was a huge accomplishment to be in one of their movies.

"I sure am." Ada smiled, her perfect white teeth gleaming. "would you like to hear about the movie?"

"YES!!!" I said loudly, unable to contain my excitement. Ada laughed.

"Well, the movie is called S.P.Y. it is about a girl your age named Nicole who moves to a new school and is having trouble making good friends. She eventually makes friends with a girl named Emma and has a big crush on the most popular boy at the school, Ben. Suddenly, mysterious murders start happening, and when Ben gets framed, Nicole takes it upon herself to find the killer."

I stared at Ada, thinking hard. NOT! I loved the plot line! Murder, mystery, and drama were my favorite! And that's how I made the worst decision of my life. I said yes.

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