Heartbreak at first sight

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"Alright kids. Lets get started." I yawned. After a long few weeks of staging and table reads we were finally getting to the filming. It was 7:00am. Most of the cast and extras were being used today, and we were all the main Silver Lining studio. I couldn't pay any attention to my fellow actors or actresses yet for two reasons. One, Ada was speaking and expected all of us to pay full attention to her, and two, I was half asleep. I was use to waking up at noon, maybe 10:00am, so 6:00am was early for me.

"Roxy?" I jumped and turned around to see a girl my age with long, wavy, black hair pulled up into a high ponytail, pale skin like mine, and sparkly blue eyes. I tried to remember the girls name, but I couldn't .

"Hi!" I said cheerfully. "can you remind me of your name? I forget things easily." that was a lie. I had a very good memory.

"My name's Holly West." the girl said, her pretty blue eyes alive with excitement. "I'm a big fan of your music!"

"Thanks!" I said happily. "who's your character again?"

"Emma!" Holly squealed. "your new BFF!" I smiled. Holly seemed really nice, and I was glad she would be playing my best friend in my first movie.

"That's great!" I said. "is this your first production too?"

"No." Holly replied. "its my second. But I like this script better, and this cast."


"If you want I could give you some pointers about what to do and who to avoid." Holly said to me. "the cast is mainly nice, but there are a few people you want to be on good terms with."

"Thanks!" I said. "that would be great."

"Okay. So the biggest jerk in the cast would be Aleena Marshall." Holly said, motioning to a tall blonde girl at the front of the herd of kids. I had been so rapt up in my conversation that I hadn't noticed we weren't moving. Ada seemed to be having trouble with the keys to the stage door.

"Um Holly?" I asked quietly. "who's playing Ben?" Holly's eyes went all dreamy.

"Chase La'maro." she sighed. "all the girls have a crush on him. He's the nicest, coolest, guy in the cast." she pointed to a boy next to Aleena. He had dark brown hair and shaggy bangs, eyes the color of hot cocoa on a snowy morning, and slightly tan skin.

"You are double lucky." Holly sighed wistfully. " You get to be stage dating Chase!" the thought of this made my heart soar. But then I realized that stage dating would end after the movie, and I would probably never get to see him again. 

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