Puzzle pieces

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Ugh. That was all I could think. Why was I in this situation? Why me? Why? Whyyyyyyyyyyyy?!?!?!?!?! A long day of filming proved to be quite unhelpful to stress. I lifted the necklace out of its box and clasped it around my neck. The ruby seemed to burn with a hidden fire. I had been weary of putting the thing on as I figured it would be safer hidden in the roll of toilet paper in the bathroom, but as the day went on I began to worry that it was going to be gone when I got back to the mansion. So I decided to wear it. I had invited Chase, Kaylin, Holly, and Tanya to my room to eat dinner and watch a movie. They would be here any minute... there was a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I called. My door opened and my friends came in, carrying takeout boxes of pizza.

"We thought we'd bring dinner." Chase said, setting down a big box of pizza and flopping down on my couch. I sank down next to him, and Holly sat down on my other side. I laughed to myself that Chase was spending more time with me, Tanya, Kaylin, and Holly than any of his boy friends.

"What do you all want to watch?" I asked, taking a big bite of pepperoni pizza.

"100 reasons why!" Holly said quickly. "its my favorite movie."

"Oh I use to watch that movie all the time with my old friend Krista. She was in my gym class! But she moved away from town when I was 11. She was my best friend..." Kaylin explained to us. Holly suddenly got a strange look on her face.

"I knew a Krista..." she said quietly, then quickly changed the subject.

"So... can we watch the movie?"

"Sure." I picked up the remote and found 100 reasons why on Netflix. It was about a girl named Haylee who's family is hectic, crazy, and needs to calm down. The only place she feels like she can get a brake is school, where her friend Jenna is. Jenna is the only one keeping Haylee sane. But when Jenna gets an offer to move to Paris to become a designer and stylist for a teen magazine, her dream, Haylee has to come up and prove 100 reasons why Jenna can't leave. It was actually a good movie, the kind you want to watch over and over. It was funny, sweet, and dramatic. I had watched it before with my sister Lana. It was her favorite movie, and one of mine. About halfway through the movie there was knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I called. The door opened and in stormed a very angry Boris Granger.

"Oh so you had a party without me?!" he grouched.

"Um... yeah?" I said, unsure if he actually believed I would invite him to a party.

"Well I'm affronted!" Boris grumbled, sitting down on the floor and grabbing a slice of pizza. He then proceeded to shove the slice in his mouth, spilling tomato sauce and pepperoni all over my carpet. I groaned audibly and stood up.

"I don't take to kindly to party poopers!" I said in a menacing tone. Holly giggled. Then she stood up and whispered to me-

"I think I can take care of this one!" I sat back down. Then to my utter amazement she turned to Boris and said-

"Three words you moron. Out, or, else. And I think you know exactly what I mean." Boris got up quickly looking scared. He quickly grabbed a slice of pizza, then another, and another, and another! He soon realized he was not going to be able to fit all the pizza slices in his two scrawny hands, so he began stuffing them down his shirt. Yes- that idiot actually put pizza down his shirt! Instead of just grabbing a box! And even worse, it was not his pizza! Holly gave Boris the stink eye. Beside me Chase shrank down in his seat.

"Whats wrong?" I asked him.

"Nothing." he mumbled, setting his pizza down. "I think I lost my appetite."

"Me too." I shuddered disgustedly as Boris ran out of the room, trailing pizza slices after him.

"Wait!" Holly called. "get back here!" Boris slunk back to my doorway, dropping the rest of his loot of stolen pizza.

"You are going to clean this mess up, NOW." Holly demanded.

"But I'm allergic to cleaning!" Boris whined. Holly gave him a death glare, and he finally gave in. Boris sighed and slunk to the nearest cleaning closet. A minute later he came back with a trash bag, scrub brush, and cleaner. I turned the movie back on and we kept watching, ignoring the whines coming from the doorway where Boris was on his hands and knees scrubbing pizza sauce off my carpet. Then all of a sudden Boris stopped cleaning and pulled out his phone. Nobody really noticed, so I assumed it was no big deal. But I was wrong. All of a sudden this horrible song came blasting through the mini speaker of a phone. Boris's phone. I snatched the remote off the table, paused the movie for the second time, and wheeled on Boris.

"WHAT THE HECK KIND OF STUPID, VILE, SONG IS THAT?!?!" I screamed. Boris shrunk away and answered meekly-

"Its by this band called the toilet bowl cleaners! Its their newest hit, the poop song!"

"WELL TURN IT OFF!" I seethed. Boris hurriedly turned the song off, and went back to his cleaning. I turned the movie back on, and prayed there would be no more disruptions. When we got to the biggest scene of the movie something slightly odd happened. Kaylin said-

"This was Krista's favorite part!" at the same time as Holly said,

"This is my favorite part!" Then Holly laughed. "Krista must have had good tastes." All of a sudden- CLICK. I began to sweat. Tanya looked at me curiously. Maybe it was the movie, or a reminder of a certain someone I knew, but I was starting to piece things together. I went over all the facts I knew about the murderer in my head, and groaned inwardly when they clicked. I took Chases hand and pulled him off the couch.

"We need to talk." I said quietly, leading him over to a corner of the room.

"Whats wrong?" Chase asked me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I think I know..." I paused to process the words, the said them. "I think I know who the murderer is."

"Who?" Chase asked excitedly. But before I could answer we were interrupted.

"ROXY! DUCK!" Kaylin shouted suddenly. I wheeled around to face the real murderer, in the flesh and blood. And it turns out I was right. The murderer pulled a gun out from under her blue sweater. Her piercing eyes seemed to slice through me as she aimed the gun at my chest.

"Put your hands up." she snarled. Chase and I backed up against the wall, hands in the air.

"You have two choices." The girl said menacingly. "one- hand over the necklace, or two- die."

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