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"And cut!" Tom yelled. He was our main director. We had just finished our second scene, and filming was proving to be fun! Holly and I decided that we were going to go down the hall to the vending machine to get some snacks. We walked off stage and towards the props closet where the vending machine was. There were actually two vending machines in the building, but the better one was all the way across the building and upstairs in the dinning area, so Holly and I decided to go to the closer one. The props closet is a large closet where we store all the props and set pieces.

"For some reason, the guy who designed the interior of the place put the second vending machine inside the closet, which was stupid, cause nobody wants to go into a spooky closet full of props and set pieces to get a granola bar! He must have had a mental problem." Holly ranted. We both laughed so hard our stomachs hurt about the possible reasons why someone would put a vending machine in a closet until we reached the door. I slowly pulled it open and reviled the inside of the closet. It was so stuffed with things that I couldn't find the vending machine.

"There it is!" Holly pointed to a large candy dispenser at the other end of the room. We propped open the closet door and picked our way to the vending machine.

"I wish we had just gone with the dining area one." I muttered.

"Same." Holly shivered beside me. "this place gives me the creeps!"

We reached the vending machine and payed for the snacks we wanted. Then Holly turned to me, a concerned look on her face.

"Do you hear something?" she asked. I listened. I did- I heard footsteps. We both wheeled to face the door just in time to see it slam shut, enclosing us in darkness.

"Help!" I shrieked. "please! Somebody help us!!!"

"Oh my god." Holly panicked. She was hyperventilating.

"Holly breathe!" I screamed, on the edge of panic myself. "Holly!

We're okay! Someone will rescue us!" no answer. There was a soft thump behind me as Holly fainted.

"Help me!" I screeched! "please! I'm in here! HELP!!!" I picked my way back to the door, tripping over multiple things. I finally found the door and banged on it as hard as I could. Then I tried to open it, but it was bolted shut. I leaned against the door, feeling defeated and scared. And that's when the door opened and I fell into somebody arms. As soon as I registered the situation, I pulled out of the persons arms and looked up at their face. It was Chase La'maro! I felt my cheeks turn pink.

"Are you okay?" Chase asked me with concern.

"I am," I said, "but my friend Holly passed out." Chase looked at me for a second longer before he went over to where Holly had fainted. She was sprawled on top of a bucket of costumes. Chase leaned over her and touched her chest.

"She's still alive. No murderer here!" he joked. I smiled at him.

"Can you help me carry her to the nurses room?" he asked me.

"Of course I can!" I said. Chase picked her feet up and I grabbed her shoulders. Together we lugged her to a small room which had a cot and a desk in it. The nurse, a short blonde woman, asked us a few questions, then said we could go. Chase and I wandered down the hallway aimlessly.

"So its your first film Roxy?" he asked me.

"Yeah." I shoved my hands into my pockets.

"I like your music. Your really talented." he smiled at me.

"Thanks!" I said, flustered. I wanted to complement him on something, but I didn't know what. I didn't know him well at all and had only ever heard his name mentioned a few times.

"Want to get a drink from craft services?" he asked me.

"Sure! I'd love that!" I said. Chase led me up the stairs and we both got pineapple waters from the drink cooler, then we began our way back towards set. We were silent as we walked, sipping our drinks and trying to ignore the awkward feeling in the air. I looked up at Chase and saw he was looking at me. A small smile crossed his face, but his eyes said something different. They had a glimmer of something that wasn't happy. A glimmer of nervousness. But why was Chase so nervous? 

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