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"Kaylin? Why are you sleeping in Roxy's room?" Holly asked me. I sat up straight on the couch.

"Um... I was investigate here last night and fell asleep on the couch?" I tried. Holly bought it.

"Well get up. We have to go save Roxy!" she smiled, but it didn't look natural. I guess Holly really did believe I was the murderer. That hurt. I got up and saw that Tanya and Chase were standing in the room behind Holly. Tanya smiled at me, but Chase avoided my eye. It was Saturday, and we got off filming on most all weekends. I got ready and joined the others. We walked down the sidewalks. It was the first day this year that I was able to wear a tee shirt. April 9. It was a beautiful day, sunny and warm, and yet there was a cloud hovering over our group as we walked down the sidewalk. I fell back beside Chase and whispered to him.

"I got your text. Thanks for not telling."


"I want to be friend."

"Are you sure? You were pretty unwilling to be last night."

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine."

"Do you really like me as more than just a replacement sister?" I asked timidly.

"Yes. I promise." Chase gave me a crooked smile, and it felt like things were finally back to normal.


"Thanks for getting me out guys!" Kaylin smiled at all of us, eyes dancing with excitement.

"Of course!" Tanya hugged Kaylin. "anything for you Roxy!" Kaylin turned to me and winked. I gave her a mischievous grin. She walked over to where I was standing and whispered in my ear-

"I think its time for this freaky Friday to end!"

"I agree!" I giggled back.


"I never thought I would say this- but it feels so good to be Roxanne Amacara again!" I sighed, flopping onto Kaylin's four poster bed.

"Yeah, it wasn't easy being you!" Kaylin laughed. "I don't know how you do it!" she handed me a chocolate chip cookie and we turned on the TV. We decided to have a mini two person party to celebrate our success on operation switch places and get Kaylin/Roxy out of jail.

"What do you want to watch?" Kaylin asked, flipping through the list of various channels.

"I don't know." I said, taking a big bite of cookie.

"KAYLIN! ROXY!!" yelled a familiar voice outside Kaylin's door.

"What do you want?" I groaned. The door opened and Boris came running in.

"Get downstairs! Its an emergency!" he said urgently. I started to get up, but Kaylin pulled me back down to the bed.

"Don't listen to him." she told me. "I read his file, and apparently he's a bit of a prankster. He once told his mom and dad their kitchen counter was on fire to get them downstairs on Christmas morning. Turns out he just wanted to open gifts."

"No I'm not joking! There's a murderer downstairs and-"

"Yeah yeah." Kaylin snarked. That's the same thing you told you homeroom teacher in second grade when you wanted to steal answers to a pop quiz."

"HELPPPPPP!!!" came a agonized scream from downstairs. Kaylin and I bolted up and off the bed.

"I told you!" Boris gloated as we all ran for the staircase. I got on the railing and began sliding down, and Kaylin followed. Boris  attempted to follow, but he couldn't get onto the railing. So he tried to run down the stairs, but he tripped on his untied shoelace and went face planting onto the fourth floor landing. Then he continued to roll down the stairs, gathering momentum, and screeching-

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