Too much of one bad thing

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"OMG! He asked you out!" Holly squealed.

"Yeah. He did. And BORIS wreaked our date!!!" I growled.

"Well that's not the point!" Holly was pacing my room excitedly. There was a knock on my door.

"Can I come in?" it was Chase.

"Yes!" I said, containing my excitement well.

"I was just leaving!" Holly winked and slipped out of the room. Chase sat on my couch.

"Well I wanted to talk to you about something. My birthdays coming up, and Tom said I could have a party down at the beach. I have two things I wanted to talk to you about."

"Okay!" I sat down next to him.

"One- I'm sure Kaylin is going to show up, and I had an idea. I think I know how we can make her soul good again." he leaned in and whispered his plan in my ear. I smiled.

"That's a great idea!"

"And second- I wanted to know if you would be my date for my party. I wanted to ask you before Boris did. And you can guarantee he will!" Chase grinned.

"Of course!" I said happily. "and for the record- I would never go with Boris." Chase and I just sat there smiling. I half expected Boris to jump out of my closet, but luckily he didn't.

"Want to go down to the beach and watch the sunset?" I asked.

"Sure!" Chase got up. "I'll meet you down there in 5 minutes." he left the room and I pulled my bathing suit on. I walked out of my room and down the three flights of stairs. I had acquired a deathly fear of elevators. I met Chase out back on the beach. We sat down in the sand and watched the waves splash onto the shore. The dyeing sun cast a golden glow over us. Chase turned to me. Then he leaned forward and-

"CHASE LA'MARO! YOU ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!" Bellowed a mans voice from behind us. We sprang apart and stood up. We were facing a man and woman who looked to be about 40 years old each. The woman had long, wavy, golden hair, piercing blue eyes, and tan skin. The man had short, dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and also tan skin. He looked like a 40 year old Chase.

"Oh my gosh! Mom? DAD?!" Chase choked.


Chase and I stared in horror at his parents. I couldn't tell if they were angry cause Chase had lied about boarding school, or killed his sister, or maybe even tried to kiss me- or all of them!

"I can explain!" Chase whimpered.

"I sure hope you can!" Chase's mom said angrily. "and you can start with what you were just doing with this girl!"

"Um..." Chases face turned red. "mom, dad, this is Roxy. She is super nice, and you'll like her!"

"Hi!" I smiled and stepped forward. "its nice to meet you guys! Chase told me you were the best parents he ever had, even though your the only parents he ever had-" I babbled on stupidly. I knew it was a lie, but I wanted Chase out of trouble as much as he did.

"Nice to meet you Roxy." Chase's mom shook my hand.

"Listen mom and dad. I'm really sorry I didn't tell you about the movie, but I want to prove to you I didn't- you know, do it on purpose. And I can. Please, stay here and wait until next Sunday. I have a surprise."

"Please Mr. And Mrs. La'maro!" I chimed in. "and I understand if you want me to leave Chase alone." I blinked sadly.

"No sweetheart." Mrs. La'maro smiled. "I guess you know about Kaylin?"

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