The blame turned

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Chase and I walked down the beach together, silent as the sun rose above the horizon. We stopped as the waves rushed against our ankles. He turned to me and gave me a small smile.

"Roxy, I wanted to tell you about something." he said. i tried to open my mouth, but I was too nervous. Then Chase suddenly frowned. He put his hand on his forehead.

"Are you okay?" I asked him. Then something awful happened. Chase gasped and his chocolate colored eyes rolled back in his head.

"CHASE!" I said in a panicky voice. Then he collapsed into my arms. I dropped him on the sand and shook his head.

"WAKE UP!" I cried. "CHASE!"

"Roxy? Are you okay?" a voice said below me. I sat up in bed, dripping with sweat and breathing heavily.

"You were yelling in your sleep." Tanya said. She was standing beside the front right leg of my loft bed.

"Hi Tanya." I muttered sleepily. "How did you get in here?"

"Holly let me in!" She grinned.

"Ugh." I groaned. And laid back down. It was April 8th, it had been a month since Chase's party, and things had gone smoothly. No more murders. No more trouble. I had begun to suspect that Kaylin was lying when she had said she was not the murderer. Kaylin had settled in and even scored a back round role in the movie. She was living in her own room on the 5th floor with the other back round actors and actresses. Her mom and dad had left a week ago, giving Chase permission to stay in the movie. We had 2 more months of filming until the movie would be finished.

"Come on Roxy." Tanya called up to me. "we have a big day of filming today, and you have already overslept!" I yawned as I climbed down the ladder. Tanya handed me my outfit. I went into the bathroom and changed, then joined Tanya. We walked down the hall to the staircase, and walked down all three flights of stairs. Then out the door, into the car, down what seemed like 500 blocks to the studio. Got out of the car. Walked to the hair and makeup studio room.

"Your quiet today." Tanya observed. "everything OK?"

"Yep." I said distractedly. Everything was great. But I was to busy thinking about my dream. Was it just an everyday nightmare? Or a warning? That was silly. Of course it was a nightmare. Right? Yes. Just a nightmare. Chase was okay. The murders had stopped.

"Hey Roxy! Tanya! Wait up!" we turned to see Holly running towards us. Her black hair was down long, streaming down her back and her bright blue eyes were slightly disoriented. We entered the hair and makeup room together and sat down in three chairs. Our stylists began working on our hair.

"How are things with Chase?" Tanya asked. I cringed. Somehow all the cast members knew about Chase and I.

"There's nothing going on! really- we're just friends!"

"Yeah right." Tanya teased. I glanced at Holly, who had a strange smile on her face. It looked like invisible fingers were pulling the corners of her mouth into a big, unnatural grin.

"Everything good Holly?" I asked her.

"Oh yeah! I'm great!" she said, dropping the phony smile. I raised an eyebrow at her, but didn't push any further. When we were done getting our hair and makeup done, we waked together down the hall to the set we were filming on first. I opened the door and-

"GIRLS!" Tom came storming towards us like a hurricane. "Did any one of you do this?" he motioned towards front wall of the set. It was a large classroom set. Written in big black curly letters were the words-

Watch out! I never left.

"What the heck!?" all three of us gasped. Then a switch clicked on in my brain.

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