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Before discovering Krista and Chris were aliens, I would have thought that there would be no more possible surprises. I was 100% wrong.

"What do you actually look like?" I whispered.

"Like this." Krista flipped her black hair over her shoulder and continued to speak. "we look the same as humans, but we are far more powerful."

"Like how?" Tanya asked.

"You humans always wish you had superpowers- well we do." with that Krista turned her head and shot red laser beams out of her steely eyes. I gasped. Then Krista kicked off the floor and floated up to my chandelier. It was a golden star like ball that looked like a star bursting open. It was the most beautiful chandelier I had ever seen. Krista grabbed a piece of it and snapped it in half like a twig. I realized I was in a very bad position, being on Krista's bad side. But Krista still wasn't done. She then growled and blew a big puff if greenish acidic fire from her mouth. Her hair blew behind her, and somehow, through all her rage, and display of her alien powers, she remained strangely beautiful and memorizing.

"Oh and one more thing." Krista smirked. She locked her eyes on her gun, which sat on the floor, and it began to float upwards. When it reached her, she grabbed it and shot her arm. I cringed, and so did Chase beside me, but the shot melted on contact with her skin.

"So basically you have cool powers, and your impossible to kill?" Chase asked.

"Exactly." Chris said, trying to get into some of the action. "by the way- I have the same powers as Krista!" 

"No one cares!" I scoffed. Krista floated back to the ground and walked up to me. She came so close that I could feel the fire in her eyes. Then she reached for my neck. At first I thought she was going to strangle me, but instead she reached for my necklace. I pulled away right before she could grasp it, and hid behind Kaylin.

"Give it here Roxy." Krista growled menacingly. "or you know what will happen."

"No." Kaylin suddenly said. Then she stepped away and turned to face me. "I think it's time for me to explain." she looked to Chase, who's big brown eyes were wide with confusion.

"Chase, I think its time you knew. Our dad is actually from Izrox. And... I knew this."

"WHAT?" Chase gasped. "dad is an alien?!"

"And I inherited some of his powers. Don't freak out, I'm still your sister, and I'm still part human. I only got certain parts of dads power. It's all kind of confusing, but I'll try to explain." Chase, Tanya, and I sank to the couch, Krista and Chris stood off to the side, and Kaylin faced us all.

"I can shoot lasers from my eyes, and I'm stronger than the average human. I can't fly, and I'm not full invincible. The only reason I didn't die from the peanut oil is because I have half of the power. I can still die from too much peanut oil, but luckily there wasn't too much in the water. When you thought I was dead, I was only in a sort of coma. Back when I was young and met Krista, I could instantly tell she was from Izrox as well. We bonded over that, and became good friends. Weeks ago, I told you I was watching over you. I wasn't sure I wanted to tell you about all this yet, and so I hoped you would just believe that I was a ghost, and somehow came back to life. But what really happened is I woke up in that grave, and used my super strength to get out. Then I came directly to your party. When I was 8, I kind of installed a tracking app in your phone. Somehow, the guys who buried me overlooked the fact I still had my phone in my pocket, and my powers kept it charged all these years. So I tracked you down. I know its a lot to take in, but please- you have to believe me."

"B-but what about your ghost?"

"That was me." Krista stepped forward. "I projected a holographic image of Kaylin using what I knew about her, and what I know about technology. To be honest- you humans have created something special." I stared blankly, taking all this in. It was a lot. Chris moved away from Krista and began to tiptoe over to my fridge. He slowly opened it and took out a cupcake. It was a big chocolate one with purple swirly frosting and classic white sprinkles. Chris slowly took a big bite. Watching him eat was making me kind of sick. Within only two bites he had a purple frosting moustache and chocolate crumbs smeared down the front of his shirt. Krista had obviously had enough, because she strode over to Chris and slapped the cupcake out of his hand. He stood there, dumbstruck, looking at the cupcake which was now splatted on my white carpet.

"We need to take care of business you idiot, not eat cupcakes!"

"But that was a perfectly good cupcake!" Chris whined like a three year old who had just been given a lump of coal for Christmas.

"Aw, you poor wittle fing!" Krista said in a baby voice, then snapped out of the caring persona. "just shut your pie hole for once and try to be useful." then she turned back to me. "Roxy, I'm going to give you one more chance... hand over the necklace, or suffer the consequences." I looked down at the ruby which glistened and shone. Then I looked to all my friends. Finally I took a deep breath.

"No Krista. I'm willing to suffer whatever you have in store."

"Fine." Krista said scathingly, "but I'm warning you- this is not going to be easy." then she turned and led Chris right out the door of my room, not turning back. 

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