Identical twins

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"Roxy! Its time!" Holly was shaking me awake. I sat up in bed, blinking sleep from my eyes.

"How did you get in here?!" I asked Holly. She held up the lock pick.

"Its pretty useful!" she said. I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. My phone buzzed on my nightstand so I picked it up and checked my emails. I had 127. 100 of them were emails from fans, 20 of them from company's, apps, and telemarketers, and 7 were from family. I sighed and went to the bathroom to change into the outfit that the costume designer gave me to wear for filming. It was a jean jumpsuit with purple and red leopard patterned sweater underneath, black winter heeled boots with pompoms hanging off strings from the sides, and big gold hoop earrings. Then I walked with Holly down the hall to the elevator. She pressed the down button and we waited.

"Hey guys!" said a voice behind us. "waiting for the elevator?" it was Luke Marten, on of Chase's best friends on set. He was playing Ben's best friend in the movie, which we all thought was ironic.

"Yeah." Holly replied. "are you going down?"

"Yeah," replied Luke. "going to eat something before we have to leave for the graveyard. I hate that we have to film in a place where real dead people are buried!" Luke shuddered. The elevator dinged and the doors slid open. Holly, Luke, and I stepped in and the doors closed. I leaned against the back wall of the little box and started a live broadcast on Instagram.

"Hey everyone!" I said, waving at the camera. "I'm here in Hollywood in the elevator about to go to the location we are filming at today! I'm super excited and nervous- cause today we will be filming at the Forever cemetery! So I'm sure you all heard about the death of our director, Ada Catersin. I have recently found out that information that I think will help solve the mystery! I posted a video on YouTube explaining the theory, so go check it out for more information! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that nothing else bad will happen to anyone before we solve the mystery!" at which point something bad happened. The elevator stopped and the lights went off. I dropped my phone, blind in the darkness.

"Whats going on?!" I heard someone shriek. It was Holly.

"I don't know!" I said, taking a deep breath. I stepped forward and tripped over something. Then then the elevator went cold. I fell to the floor on top of something else. Then I heard a shriek. A wailing, horrified, sad shriek, followed by the sound of sobbing. It got louder and louder, colder and colder, sadder and sadder... and then it all stopped. The cold ebbed away, the noise quieted until it was silent. Then the lights came back on and the elevator began moving again. I got up and looked down at the thing I had tripped over.

"Ohmygod." I choked. The thing I had tripped over was a dead body. This time there was no blood, but the sight of seeing Luke's corpse on the floor of the elevator made me dizzy.

"Roxy..." Holly's face was the color of snow. The doors dinged open. I ran for the cafeteria, burst through the door and yelled-

"Luke! Murderer! Elevator..." and then I fainted.


"Kids, this is Boris Granger. He will be replacing Luke as Nick." Nick was Ben's best friends name in the movie. I looked up at Boris. My first thought was-

"He needs to wash his hair!" my second thought was-

"Why are they replacing Luke so quickly? The only delay we had in filming was 2 hours, not 2 days, which seems more reasonable!"

Boris was a tall, awkward, 13 year old boy. He had mousy brown hair, and a tan that did not look good on him. His stomach stuck out, and his face was slightly to wide. I didn't mean to be rude, but I was shocked that the film crew had found such a strange looking person to play a popular kid. Luke fit the role, but Boris... that was another story!

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