Guilty until Proven

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I waited till the clock on my wall said midnight to sneak outside. Holly and I were meeting underneath Chase's bedroom window. She was bringing a ladder and I was bringing night-vision goggles. I happened to find some in the backup props closet in the mansion basement. I got a rope I had also snagged from the basement and tied it to my windowsill. Then I climbed out onto it and lowered myself down hand by hand. The chilly night air froze my bones, but I kept lowering until my feet hit the ground. Then I crept a few yards over to where I could see the faint outline of Holly against the almost black sky.

"Are you sure this is his window???" I said quietly.

"Yep!" Holly replied. "I'm sure."

"Good." I propped the ladder against the wall and handed Holly a pair of night goggles. As quietly as we could, we ascended the ladder until we reached a big window on the 3rd floor. Chases bedroom window was closed.

"Crap." I cursed under my breath. "how are we suppose to open the window without waking up Chase?"

"I have an idea." Holly said. She was under me, so she told me what to do.

"Check to see if the window is locked." she instructed. I did. It wasn't locked.

"Okay." Holly said. "now lift it very slowly..." I did. To my relief, the window was easy to open and made no noise. When the window was open just enough I slipped inside, and Holly followed. The room was cozy and warm. We could see through the night vision goggles that Chase was fast asleep in a big queen sized bed, curled up in one corner under a navy blue comforter. There were nightstands on ether side of the bed and a desk to the far left of the bed. The door, like mine was on another wall, the one to the right of the bed. on the opposite wall to the bed was a couch and a large flat screen TV hung above the bed. Next to the couch there was a door leading to the bathroom, and next to that was the kitchen aria. The walls seemed to be sky blue. There was also a small closet next to the door.

"Come over here." I said to Holly, and we tip toed over to the closet. The door creaked open but luckily Chase didn't wake up.

"I don't see anything except suitcases and clothing." Holly said. I stood on my tip toes and looked on the shelf above the hangers.

"I found something!" I whispered to Holly excitedly. I pulled a notebook off the shelf where it had been buried under tee shirt. It was a thick leather bound book with a green crystal buried in the center of the leather front cover. I opened the page. It read-

My book of secrets

Do not read! If found please return to Chase La'maro at:

7192 strawberry-hill RD

Los Angeles, CA


"Omg." I said, my heart pounding. "this is Chase's diary!"

"Lets take it!" Holly said, so excited she forgot to be quiet. I bit my lip. On the one hand, I was burning to read all of Chase's secrets, but on the other hand I didn't think invading my crush and fellow actors privet life was right. But my eagerness to know what was written in the book overpowered my morals.

"Okay." I said, also forgetting to be quiet. In the darkness behind Holly something moved upwards. My blood ran cold as I recognized the familiar shape of a human being sitting up in bed.

"RUN!" I whisper-screamed

"Who's there?!" Chase yelled. I turned and yanked open the door, then Holly and I fled. I slammed Chase's door behind us. We ran as fast as we could down the hall to my room, and could hear Chase fumbling with the door. He was obviously still half asleep. Just as Chase's door opened we slammed mine shut. Holly jumped into the closet holding the book and a got into my bed, hurriedly pulling the covers on top of myself. I braced myself for the door opening, and Chase's angry voice accusing me of sneaking into his room. But nobody disturbed me the rest of the night.

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