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"Wow!" I said when I set foot beach. Someone had hung a disco ball from a tree and it was lighting up the beach. Catchy music was blasting from a speaker and there were tables with delicious snacks and treats.

"Cool party!" Holly said to Chase.

"Thanks!" he smiled and led us over to the shoreline. "Everything's ready for the plan."

"Great!" I whispered. Holly gave a thumbs up.

"And now we just wait." we headed back over to the sandy clearing light up by the disco ball.

"Oh my gosh!" Holly snorted with laughter and pointed to a figure doing a crazy dance in the center of the crowd. It was Boris, and he was dancing to the song "who let the dogs out", which BTW was not on Chase's playlist. He was trying to do the Renegade tiktok and was failing miserably. Holly, Chase, and I watched as he unsuccessfully tried to do numerous different tiktoks, all to who let the dogs out. Which is not the way tiktoks work. Sorry Boris, but you shouldn't try to do complicated dances and post them for the world to see if you don't know how to dance. When Boris finally gave up, he came sauntering over to me and grinned in a I'm trying to be charming but I'm really not way. But he didn't get that second part.

"So Roxy! Isn't this party boring?" Boris said smoothly. I narrowed my eyes at him skeptically.

"Didn't I see you trying to dance, laughing, and eating about half the snacks?" I questioned him.

"No. You totally didn't!!!" He said quickly. I groaned and said-"well Boris- to answer your question, no. I don't think this party is boring." plastered a big, fake smile across his face and said-

"Yeah! I don't think this party is boring either!" I gave him a perplexed look.

"Okay? Honestly I think your being kind of weird Boris... but that's just my opinion. Maybe you might like to go hang out with someone who doesn't." I think Boris got the message. He frowned and slunk back over to the snack table. I turned to my friends.

"Want to get snacks?" I asked. Neither Holly nor Chase answered me though, and instead stared over my shoulder with looks of complete terror on their faces.

"What's wrong with you guys?" I said, concerned. "you look like you just saw a g- oh." I turned around, expecting to see a certain someone floating maybe 10 feet behind me, but when i turned there was nobody there. That's when my mind went fuzzy.

"Hello Roxy." said a familiar growl. I tried to cry out, but I couldn't. My mouth was sealed shut. I could see the faint black outlines of my friends staring at me, as well as the rest of the party guests. Then I heard a noise that was so awful it almost made my ears fall off. And no. It was not Kaylin. It was Boris.

"GHOSTBUSTERS! WHO YOU GONNA CALL? GHOSTBUSTERS!!!" he screeched, then pulled out his phone and dialed 911.

"911, whats your emergency?" said a calm female voice on the other end.

"Hello? Is this the Ghost busters?" Boris shouted.

"Sir, I think you have the wrong number. Unless you need to report an emergency, please do not call this number." then the woman hung up on him. My eyes were beginning to grow fuzzy, and I could only just see Holly and Chase standing in front of me. Then Holly pulled out a mirror. She lifted it up in front of my eyes and I squinted to see my reflection. At first I thought I was hallucinating, but there was no mistaking it. The sight I saw in the mirror made me wish I had my hazel eyes back, cause to be honest, hazel looks a lot better then black. In the mirror I saw me, but it wasn't me. It was me, but I wasn't the sweet, lovable, fun, pop star people knew me as. I was a horrible monster. My eyes were black pits, and I was crying red tears. My mouth was open and a horrible wailing cry was escaping my cracked lips. And I finally understood. I was being possessed.

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