Chapter 54

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Before I could say something stupid and probably awkward their hair stylist walks from dressing room.

"Harry, darling, I'm so sorry Tom just called me I have to pick Lux from his mom, I can't be your ride home. I'm so sorry." She sends him an apologetic smile.

"That's fine Lou, don't worry. Maybe Zayn could give me a lift home and if not there is always a cab, isn't it?" Harry nods to her. I have a chance to look at his profile. I finally understand why he is most people's favourite not just because of his mesmerizing charm and perfect face, but also because he is the most sincere and kind one of all.

"Sorry to disappoint you, darling, but I heard him talking with Perrie in dressing room, he has plans for tonight."

"No worries, I'm not your child, Lou." He teases a blond girl and she just rolls her eyes at him, they must be very close.

"Okay, just text me when you home so I'm sure you are okay. Deal?" she grabs her car keys from a bag looking at Harry.

"Yes, mom." Harry laughs.

"It was nice to work with you." she turns to me smiling.

"You too." I simply nod at her turning again at my camera.

"Say hi to Lux from me, I missed her." I see Harry pouting to Lou before she leaves the studio. We stay in the silence for a few minutes while I am focused on watching pictures from earlier.

"So." I look at curled lad meeting his green eyes. "Shall we start?"

"Just you know I am really bad at this stuff. I am not kidding." He says serious. "I just feel so uncomfortable, like I always do that silly faces because I really don't know how to pose." I nod to him. It is weird that he still feels uncomfortable during the photo sessions, I mean he is always around the cameras, but it shows that he stayed a really normal guy.

"It's okay, don't worry, we will figure out something, I promise you, Mr Styles."

"I appreciate it, Miss Avery." He shoots me a smirk before he chuckles. "From that smile on your face I can tell I look like an idiot here after Zayn." I can't control myself and I burst into laughter making Harry shake his head. "I always knew he worked as a model and look at me, I can only can be proud of myself that I worked in a bakery." I laugh even harder after his confession.

"Why so diffident, Mr Styles? I heard you are the charmer of the band, what happened to it?"

"I guess magazines and television not always telling you the truth, you know?" he smiles at me.

"Okay so maybe just try something like standing and just simply looking to the camera" I suggest him and Harry follows my proffer. "I bet your fans would go crazy about these pictures." I comment taking a picture.

"Yeah? Why?"

"Because you look really really good, I mean really good."

Thanks god he says nothing at my comment, I bet he is thinking that I am some weird stalker of his band. He slowly bits his lip still pointing at the camera. God, that boy look really hot when he licks his lip. After few more pictures Harry starts laughing out of blue.

"I bet I look really stupid, I just saw Zayn doing it and..."

"Don't worry, it's good." I assure him still capturing his famous smile. As much as sexy he looks with a serious expression he looks more handsome smiling with his genuine smile showing his dimples. "I think it's okay, don't want to bother you any longer." I nod to him.

"No worries." He smiles. "I really want to change into my sweater. This shirt isn't very comfy to wear." He chuckles.

"Okay, I still have to clean the studio, so take your time."

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