Chapter 31

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"What are you doing here?" As I reach my office floor I find James sitting on the sofa.

"Um, I was waiting for you." He simply answers my question not breaking a gaze. He looks tired and sad. I know he couldn't normally sleep after last night.


"Because we need to talk and you haven't replayed to my texts so I came here."

"Shouldn't you be at work?"

"I took a day off."

"Oh." It's all I can say. I should still be angry on him but he makes it harder. I know how sorry he is and I know that I even shouldn't be angry on him because nothing had happened.

"Can we talk?" James stands up and steps closer.

"James, please give me some space, okay? I need to think."

"Zoe, I love you, you know that don't you?" I simply nod. I know he does love me.

"Look, I just need some space, I'm not sure if this even can work out." I look at my shoes trying to avoid his gaze. James sighs and takes my hand into his.

"What can't work out? You saying that you want to break up with me?"

"No, I'm not saying that, I just don't know James, I need some space." I finally look at him, his beautiful eyes meet mine. "I know that I love you, I love you so much James but I think it's not our timing. We broke up for a reason and these past two years without you was hard but maybe we should just move on."

"I don't want to move on." He cups my cheeks with his hands and pulls me closer, there is no way I could avoid his gaze.

"I just can't stop comparing everything with what we had before, you know?"

"Please don't leave me." James whispers kissing my forehead. "Please think about everything."

"I will, I promise you, I just need some time alone."

"Okay. As long as you need." He nods letting me from his embrace.

"I should go."

"Okay, just think about us. I need you."

And with that he was gone. I was left standing alone.

Time is a strange thing; sometimes days can feel like years, while other times whole weeks seem to pass in a blink of an eye. People and feelings can change, grown together and drift apart in a series of moments that run together in a seamless string of events, sometimes without even being aware. Sometimes it's easy to pick out a moment and think "That's it, it's when it all changed." Other times, you find yourself a completely different person without even being aware of the conversion.

One day, life is the same as ever and you go about your routine in monotonous actions, then suddenly, your world is tuned upside down. There's color where before it was only dull grey, light where there were only shadows, and love where there was nothing but hollow gaps. Things you never noticed or thought about before suddenly seemed more important that the things you valued previously. You find it impossible to go about doing things without thinking of that person, what they'd think or do, how they react. They become a part of you, intertwined into your very soul so much that you can almost feel them physically with every breath you take.

The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward. Letting go doesn't mean that you don't care about someone anymore. It's just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself. And with that I known there is no point if dating someone you think you have no future with.




im so so so sorrrey i wasn't updating but im so busy with school it's killing me L

so yeah, i just found out my story reached 11k reads it's crazy, i mean how??? WOW

it's crazy


So it was kinda sad chapter, still hope you enjoyed it there more to come, so please keep reading, voting and commenting it means soooooo much to me

i love you all

kisses xxx


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