Chapter 41

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"Brad, can you do it faster?" I groan.

I look at Jesse which is lying next to me on the sofa. This sofa become our spot when I'm staying at Brad's. I have always loved dogs. I push a pause button stopping the film we started to watch with Brad earlier and stand up from my spot going to find Bradley.

"I'm starving and you are the worst chef ever. Worse than Tristan, I mean it." I laugh entering the kitchen and finding Brad. From the smell I can tell he was trying to make spaghettis.

"Sorry, love, I'm doing my best." He winks at me and turns again.

"And how it is going?" I grin knowing he obviously not good at cooking.

"Not as good as I want it to be."

"Need some help?"

"Yeah, probably." Brad laughs. "I thought it is much easier."

"You are just something else Simpson." I shake my head laughing. "Let me help you." Brad's stomach made a growling voice and I laugh again, searching through everything what we need to make spaghettis.


"It wasn't that bad." Brad states putting his plate on the table.

"Sure because I made it." I laugh.

"You just helped me." He pouts and then smiles at me.

"Yeah, whatever Simpson." I roll my eyes.

"So, have you talked with James?" he suddenly asks changing subject. I already know what he means by it.

"Yeah, I visited him yesterday."

"How it was?" He looks at me worried.

"I felt awful to be honest. He was really heartbroken and I still love him just not seeing him as my boyfriend though."

"Oh." Brad leans into a sofa, running his fingers through his hair.

"No, I'm not regretting but I just felt an awful person, you know."

"You aren't an awful person Zoe." He simply states sitting closer to me.

"But I feel like that." I shake my head. I really do feel bad about everything between James and I.

"Zoe, trust me, you are not a bad person."

"How do you know?"

"I just do, okay? Trust me." He says pecking my lips. "I always feel like crap around you, you know? I'm just so afraid I will let you down or hurt you."

"Brad, don't say that."

"Just don't give up on me."

"I won't." I smile to him and lean into a kiss feeling Brad relaxing at my words.

Knowing that he wants me into his life means a lot to me. I would be hardly heartbroken if he would meet someone more beautiful than me, someone more fit than me or simply someone better than me. And I know he has met plethora of girls much better than me in every way but somehow he has managed to stay with me or fight for me.

"What are you thinking?" He whispers as I lay into his chest wrapping his hand around me.


"Me?" even I can't see him I know he is smirking. Suddenly he starts playing with my hair still holding me into his chest as we lay on his couch.

"You know about you finding someone better than me."

"Zoe don't be stupid, I won't." He whispers into my ear holding me even tighter.

"And I believe you."

"Believe me." He simply mumbles in the crook of my neck, sending chills through my spine. I feel his warm lips slowly sucking my neck.

"Zoe?" After few minutes of us just lying on the sofa and watching Christmas movie Brad mumbles into my neck.


"Do you have any plans for Christmas?" He simply as waiting for my answer.

Of course I wish I could spend my Christmas with my family but I just can't. After conversation with Tristan I was thinking to visit his family, but knowing he is coming to hometown with Ebony too makes me feels like third wheel.

"I'm not sure." I sigh. "I guess I will stay at home."

"With Tristan?"

"No, he is going to visit his parents with Ebony as they are from same town."

"Aren't you going to visit your family?"

"No." I say way too harsh already regretting it. "I can't." Gladly he doesn't ask anything about my family, probably understanding I don't want to talk about it. "What about you?"

"I'm going to Birmingham to visit my family."

"Sounds cool, do you miss them?"

"Yeah I do." He simply says.

I don't say anything and for few minutes we just stay in silence watching a movie. Brad's breathing tickles my neck.

"Come with me." He whispers into my ear.


"Come with me for Christmas." He repeats.

"Brad..." I sit so I can face him.

"What? Just come, you don't have any plans it would be fun." He smiles. "None should be alone at Christmas." at some point he is right none should be alone but I'm not sure if that's a good thing for us. I just broke up with James and we are not even dating.

"I'm not sure." I look into his eyes. "It would be weird we aren't together and your parents would think we are like fuck buddies or something. You should bring home your girlfriend not some girl." He shakes his head chuckling at my answer. "What?"

"This is what all is about? Just some stupid label?"

"Brad, it not just a label for me."


"Okay?" I look at him confused.

"Yeah." He nods. "Zoe, will you be my girlfriend?" he chuckles widely grinning at me.

"Yes." His smile even grown as he pulled me to straddle him and I placed my lips to his, causing him to moan into my mouth.


Thanks for your lovely comments, I really do love you guys! Your support is amazing! :)

I got few lovely comments asking me to update as soon as I can, so... I hope you enjoyed this update! And... yeah #broe is finally official! Who is excited??!

I cant believe my holidays ended I have school again. Well, that's sad isn't it, good luck to everyone!

Love you all xxx

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