Chapter 65

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I tried to forget everything and focus on my work at magazine.

I tried to forget about my dad's possibility to move in London. I tried to forget about him and mom getting divorced.  I tried to forget about Harry's offer. I tried to forget about all possibilities. I tried to forget about keeping things from Brad. I tried to forget about Brad keeping things from me. I tried to forget about stressful things.

But I simply couldn't.

Lately I became a stressful and nervous person. I tried to ignore Brad, in fact it wasn't that hard since he was always busy with his own stuff. I barely stayed at his place since Tris told me about the upcoming tour.

I wasn't angry at him. I had no reason since I was keeping things for him as well. I was more mad at myself for messing it up. I was mad at myself for kissing Harry. I was mad because I felt like I betrayed Brad. And in some way I did. I knew how hard all the relationship thing was for him and it was me who messed it up. I knew he didn't believe in relationship or in love, but somehow I was able to change his mind. I knew he felt not good enough, unloved and somehow I made things even worse. He tried to be better for me. And he tried so hard to be who I needed him to be. But he was already too good for me.

I knew he loved me. God, I loved him too. But for some odd reason love was always such a chaos for me. After first time I broke up with James I wasn't seeing someone. Because I was afraid. And now I was afraid to lose Brad. Somehow it felt like I already lost him. For some magical reason love doesn't work out for me.

Work isn't as good as it used to be. First of all, Brad isn't at the studio as much as he used to be. I miss him having here even most of the time he annoyed me. Secondly, one of my closest friend Nick happened to be also and my boss, for this reason he is barely here as well, because of all business trips. Also, I try to avoid Kaya, my used to be best friend, as much as I could. I just couldn't simply pretend that nothing had happened between two of us. I still couldn't believe that some boy destroyed our friendship.

"Let's go for a lunch!" I hear a cheerful voice. As I turn to my cabinet door I see Connor leaning against the doorframe. "Cmon, Kaya isn't in the mood to join me, Brad isn't here and you, my friend, need to eat."

"Con, I have so much to do."

"I don't want to hear that bullshit, we are going for the lunch, like now." He laughs. "Seriously, I heard about new lunch place down the road. Let's go." I roll my eyes at his enthusiasm, but still find myself smiling at his offer.


"Good." Con chuckles as I leave my work place.

 "I still don't understand why we haven't had lunch together before." Con pouts. "It is way more than to have lunch on my own."

"Aww, you are so good with compliments." I laugh before sipping my mango smoothie.

"No, seriously, I remember that one time when we went together to a bar with Brad and Kaya. It was fun, I already liked you."

"Yes, we should be best friends for a life." I roll my eyes just to see Connor smiling. But he is right, I remember that we get along but for some reason we never really talked after that.

"Definitely." He nods. "So how are you and Brad? I haven't heard much from him since I moved out."

"We are okay." I smile. "He was on tour as a photographer, I guess he likes working with artists more than in the magazine."

"Oh, that's sad, I loved having another man here."

"Me too." I sigh. "I am not sure if he quits, though."

"He better not." Con laughs. "By the way, something happened between you and Kaya? You seemed really close and you barely talk with her now."

"Boy problems." I simply answer.

"Girls." Connor rolls his eyes making me chuckle.

"Yeah, it's annoying, maybe that's why my best friend is a guy." I laugh.

"Is Brad okay with that?"

"With me having a boy best friend? I think he is, he never said anything."

"My ex-girlfriend always went crazy when I had other girls as a friends. It's super annoying."

"Oh, don't even tell me. I'm glad Tris is my best friend, it is way easier to have a boy best friend than a girl. There are always problems with girls."

"Aren't you afraid to fall in love with him? Or he fall in love with you?"

"No, I don't think that is even possible, he is like my brother and he has a girlfriend." I try to shake the thought about Tris as my boyfriend off. It's disgusting, he is like a family.

"You know, things happen."

"I know, but I think this is exception." I laugh as we walk back to the studio. "By the way, how are things with Kaya? You two are like a thing or?"

"No." he shakes his head. "We do go out together sometimes, but only as friends. I think she isn't my type. Like she is cool and stuff, but I don't think she is the one." I nod as an answer when I feel my phone buzzing into my pocket.

"I'm sorry, I really need to take this." I say to Connor before answering a call from Tris. "Hello?"

"Zoe, what are you doing?"

"Just had lunch with friend, I am going back to work, why?"

"Maybe you could come home earlier?"

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah yeah, all is good, I just need you home." And before I can say anything more he ends call.



Okay, first of all I want to tell you that you guys are absolutely incredible! Like, I have no words to describe how happy I am reading all your comments or seeing that you put this story to your favourites lists. It's crazy!!

I am so sorry that I am a little bit slow with updates, but... my exams are coming and I have to study hard if I want to achieve my dreams, so please, understand me and be patient. Patient is a virtue, isn't it?;) Even so, yours asking for an update make me believe that I am doing something right.

Talking about updates. Since I have my first exam next weekend and others exams session in two weeks, I can't promise you to keep updating as I used to. But I promise to try my best to find a time for this story since you all love it so much, which is still so weird for me:)

By the way, what do you guys think happened?!

Please tell me what you think because I love reading your minds!

Don't forget to vote and if you haven't checked out my new story with 1d boys which is called 'faith' just go!:)

You can always follow me on twitter @gabrycius so we could chat or fangirl together!

All the love x

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