Chapter 69

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"I am not going anywhere." He whispered in my ear last night before we both drifted off that I needed to promise not to leave him too.

"Me too." I don't think I've ever packed that much passioninto a string of words leaving my mouth, passingby my lips and into his ear like a virus; an infection that can only do good, that can only plant seedsin the middle of his chest where other people haveonly jerked out roots. He is glass, he is a kaleidoscopethat, when looked through, you can only see the good in this world. You can see him, and he isthe good. He feels he's a burden, space wasted,filling the openness of his shoes and feeling like he's filling the Grand Canyon with worry. I want to be the house he runs to when he wants to feel at home. I want him to rest his legs inside of my veins, take a break from the world and listen to the rush of my blood; it is throbbing through my system with such force because I anticipate his touch even when he's nowhere near.

He is not an unfortunate soul. He is just beginning. And I want to begin with him.

I want to believe that we can save this relationship, I want to make sure we both are alright that we both are save.

Next morning when I wake up I feel his warm hands wrapped around me. I smile at myself closing my eyes for a minute just trying to save this moment in my memory forever. It feels like there is nothing only us in this world and his arms are the safest place for me.

I slowly escape from his embrace so I could better see Brad lying next to me. I'm laying on my side and put my elbow up so my head can rest in my hand as I look down at Brad. To say I am lucky to have him in my life is necessary. Even sometimes things between us aren't right, I know I am lucky that I am the one he chose to love. Because he does things fully and I know he loves me more than I deserve.

"Hi, baby." I hear his raspy voice which brings a smile to my face.

A sleepy Brad is so fun to watch. Because his messy curls are sprawled over my pillow and he just looks adorable with his squishy cheeks and droopy eyes. Sometimes I think he cannot be real. He opens and closes his eyes a thousand times to get used to the bright sunshine that is shining though my open window which I forgot to close last night.

"Morning handsome." I say as I stroke his cheek with my finger.

"Did you sleep well?" he says as he pulls the blanket up to his chin and closes his eyes again.

"Very well, you?"

"Of course." Brad opens his eyes to look at me. "I was holding you whole night, how could I not? And by the way, I hate when you leave my side." He answers my question with his low morning voice and I hate to admit that it causes me goose bumps.

"I just wanted to see your face."

"I prefer you in my arms." He grins at me taking my hand into his. "Zoe?"


"I want to kiss you, can I?"

The way he acts around me makes me smile. It feels as if he feels bad for not being there when I needed me, as if he is afraid I don't trust him enough for him to hold me or kiss me. These all little things show me that he does care about me and this relationship.

"You don't have to ask me that."

"I wanted to be sure." He chuckles before his lips brush over mine. Slowly he fully press them against mine. Our lips move slow and we tease each other by softly biting into the other one's bottom lip. I roll on top of him as both out lips erupt into smiles. Brad's hands move from my waist down to my behind, squeezing it gently.

"I love you." I mumble into his mouth. He says nothing only kiss me harder.

We kiss for a little while till Brad pulls away and looks into my eyes. His lips are redder from kissing and a small smile plays on it. He strokes my bottom lip with his thumb.

"There are so many thing we need to talk about." Brad mumbles.

"I know." I nod at him. I sit up against the headboard and Brad's head slides down to my lap. As my fingers run though his soft hair, he lifts my shirt and places little open-moth kisses to my stomach. Frowning I observe what he is doing until he rolls on his stomach and supports himself on his elbows to place a kiss on my neck.

"I can't help." He says between kisses. "You look too beautiful."

He keeps kissing my neck and as I'm getting distracted by his attack of kisses towards my neck, I almost forget that I somehow I have to tell him the truth.


"Yes, baby?"

"We need to talk." My voice doesn't sound as secure as I wanted.

"I know." he stops kissing my neck as he pulls away to look at me.


"Yes, I have few things to discuss with you." he stops for a minute as if he is waiting for me to say something more but I decide to stay quiet. "I am quitting my job at magazine."

I don't know what kind of reaction he waited but I show no emotions towards his statement. Other day Connor told me that Brad was thinking about leaving magazine sooner or later. And to be honest I am not even surprised that he decided to do that.


"Just okay? I thought you would be mad."

"I am not mad, why would I be?" I look at him. "I want you to be happy and I want you to do what is the best for you." Brad sighs at my words.

"I thought I loved working at magazine but when I worked with Ebony and saw things on the road I want to work with that."

"Even that means being away from me."

"No, baby, no." He runs with his hand through already messy curls.

"I understand." I smile at him because I truly understand how does he feel. "Tris told me about Ebony's upcoming tour and I want you to go if that's what you want."

"I can't simply choose things like that, you know? It is not always about what I want, but also about what I need and I need you, Zoe." I nod at him.

"You can't miss it."

"I can't lose you either."

"I know."

For a while Brad says nothing, he just plays with my fingers avoid my gaze.

"Harry asked me to join the band on their world tour." I mumble.

"What?" I know he heard me pretty clear. "I mean, when?"

"Almost a month ago, but I can't take it."

"What why? You should go, I know how much you love doing these photoshoots."

"I do, but I would be traveling all around the world till the end of the year." I look into his eyes and now is my turn to see a neutral expression written over his face. I want him to show his emotions, I want to see how he feels about us being so far away from each other doing what we love the most.

"You should go, you can't simply miss opportunities like these because of me."



Thanks for voting and as you can tell this story is so close to the end so don't forget to comment and vote!

I can't believe this story became soooo big and I can't be thankful enough!

All the love x

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