Chapter 23

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"Braaaadley?" I mumble quietly but loud enough for him to hear me.

We are still in living room lying on a couch next to telly. Brad arms is still locked around my waist. All this time we were watching some stupid movie on TV but I couldn't focus on odd movie when he is so close to me. I even can hear his heartbeat because my head rests on his chest.

"Mmm?" He mumbles. "Zoe, it's late maybe you should go to sleep." He whispers into my hair.

I stay quietly for few minutes moving my hand and resting my palm on Brad's hand which rests on my hip.

"I don't want to sleep."

"Baby, it's midnight and you are probably really tired." He slowly squeeze my hip.

"I'm not, I'm just upset."

"How can I help you?"

"It's not that hard, Bradley." I say caressing his hand with my fingers.

"Zoe, stop."

"You can make me feel much better."

Even not looking at him I can tell that grin shows on his face. His arms wrapped around me in comfort, holding me as if I am ten times smaller than him. I feel his fingertips squeeze at my hips before forcing my legs on either side of him. His soft lips touches my skin sending me an electricity through my whole body. Moan leaves my lips making him chuckle. His lips travels from my neck to my shoulder sucking my skin. I slowly turn to face him but he just shakes his head. I raise my eyebrows waiting for him to say something.

"I'm not having sex with you tonight." He simply says.

"Bradley." I tease him knowing how much it affects him.

"As much as I want to, we are not doing it, Zoe, I'm sorry." He simply smiles at me. "And calling me by my full name won't work tonight."

"Brad." I groan rolling my eyes.

"I already told you too many times, I've changed and I'm not having sex because you are upset. Besides, you probably will regret this in the morning." He pecks my cheek.

"Who are you and what you have done to Brad Simpson?"

Sincere laugh leaves his mouth.

"Zoe, I just want to make it right this time, okay? I would love to make love with you on this couch because even sad you look bloody perfect, but I'm sorry I want to wait and make our first time right."

His words makes me grin like an idiot. I know he is probably right and knowing how much he respects me makes me feel even better.

"Thank you." I whisper to him.

"For what?" Brad smiles to me. I'm still sitting on his lap.

"I don't know, for everything, I guess."

"At least we are friends, aren't we?"

"I guess we are now." I bit my lip.

"I still think you should go and get some rest." Brad tucks my hair behind my ear.

"Don't tell me you are sleeping on this couch."

"I am." He nods.

"No." I shake my head. "Sleep with me."


"Yeah, your bed is quite big."

"Are you sure? Because I haven't changed my mind about..."

"I know." I cut him off. "Please, I just don't want to sleep alone tonight."

"Okay, but I need go to the shower so you can go to bed now." He simply pecks my lips before leaving me alone on a couch.


I wake up feeling someone's arms wrapped around me. Brad's warm breath tickles my neck. I slowly turn to face him when Brad's brown eyes meets mine I couldn't help but smile. He looks so handsome in the morning. His messy hair and those beautiful brown eyes. I wonder or he just woke up because of my movements or he was awake.

"Morning." Brad's husky voice sends me shivers.

"Hey." I smile to him.

"Feeling any better?" I just simply nod as an answer.

"What time is now?" I close my eyes for a minute.

"I'm not sure." Brad's rolls to his night stand and picks his phone. "It's almost eleven."

"Shit." I groan. "I need to go to the office."

"No, I will text to Nick that you are not coming today."


"You are staying here." Before I can say something he quickly types something on his phone. "Done."

"Brad it's bad, I need to help with magazine's cover."

"Don't worry, everything will be fine." He gently touches my bare forearm.

"Will you stay with me?"

"Aren't you too attached to me, miss Avery?" Brad teases me.

"Maybe." I smile to him.

"Good to know, baby." I roll my eyes.



"Kiss me." I look straight into his eyes. He grins at me leaning closer to me so his curls tickles my shin.



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