Chapter 25

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"Tell me everything!" Kaya runs into my cabinet and closes door behind her.

"Hello to you too." I chuckle at her.

"Oh cmon, I heard about your trip to New York." She sits in front of me. "I'm waiting to hear everything from you."

"It was good."

"That's all? Are you serious?" She leans into a chair. "Seriously, I'm waiting for details."

"Nothing happened." I smile.

"And that's why you are smiling like an idiot? Zoe, I'm not stupid, tell me, we are friends."

"I'm serious, everything went just fine there is nothing more."

"Everyone talks about you and Brad."

"What?" I choke.

"Duh, he posted photo of you two, I guess that's why." Kaya rolls her eyes like it's obvious.

"He did what?" I grab my phone and scroll his instagram. Of course, he posted picture of us on a plane.

"I totally ship you too, seriously."

"Kaya, we are not together, okay? And there is nothing going on between us." I groan.

"Of course, baby, don't lie to me, he is Bradley Simpson of course you two did something."

"What do you mean?" I look at her.

"Ummm you know, we had a romance in the past, I bet he is still good at..."

"We haven't had sex." I look at her.

"Of course." Kaya giggles. "Brad sleeps with every girl."

"Well, he hasn't with me."

"Oh, that's shame, he is really good at it, trust me, I know." She winks at me. "So, how was New York?"

"It was good, I saw different side of Brad. He is actually really nice and funny."

"Zoe, trust me, there is nothing nice about that boy." She looks at me seriously. "He is hot and funny but he doesn't care about other feelings."

I nod her as an agreement. Brad was like this back to University and I still don't know the reason why he has changed, but now he is a different person. He cares about me.

"How was your trip with Connor?" I ask her after few minutes of silence.

"It was good, he is funny, maybe too good for me, but he is cool." She nods.

"Too good for you?"

"Yeah you know he is gentlemen and stuff."

"I bet he likes you."

"Yes I think he does, by the way we were together other night he stayed at mine because Brad texted him that he has a girl in their flat."

A grin appears on my face. It was me.

"So as I said Brad isn't good for you."

I look straight into her eyes, I wish I could tell her that it was me with Bradley and he isn't jerk, but it's not her business.

"Yes, I guess so." I shrug my shoulders.

"How is a hottie? I mean Tristan." Kaya smiles. "Damn he is so hot, sad he doesn't like me."

"He is good." I laugh. "Actually, he found a girl, so I'm sorry he is taken now."

"Seriously? I thought he would date you!"

"Oh no." I shake my head. "I told you we are just friends. Yeah, he said he really likes her, some girl from studio."

Before Kaya can answer doors opens and Brad walks in.

"Oh, hello." He looks to Kaya and then his eyes meet mine, grin shows on his face.

"I need to go, we will talk later." Kaya quickly stands up winking at me. "Bye, Brad."

When door is closed again Brad looks at me confused.

"Did I interrupt something?" He smiles taking Kaya's spot in front on me.

"Oh, no she just asked about New York, you know she is nosy." I smile to him.

"So, how are you?" He asks.

God, he looks so hot in his leather jacket and beanie.

 "Good, you?" Brad just nods as an answer.

"I talked with Nick this morning about a cover, he liked all pictures." He smiles.

"He did?"

"Yeah, he said we are a good team." He mocks Nick.

I quickly glance at my phone there is one new message.

From: James

As you said I'm waiting for you at café xx

I look at Brad who sits in front of me.

"Umm, I need to go now, did you need something from me?" I ask him taking my coat from a chair.

"Nope, I came to pick some stuff." He explains.

"Oh, okay." I nod. "See you soon then."

"Zoe?" I turn to face him again.

"Yes, Brad?"

"Maybe do you want meet after work, I don't know."

"I can't Brad, I'm sorry." I give him a small smile.

"That's fine, okay." He nods. "See you later."

I leave a cabinet not knowing if I chose a right thing.


omg thank you so much for 5,5k reads, its unreal, i love you all, please keep voting!

G xx

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