Chapter 19

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"Tris!" As soon as I saw Tris standing in the airport I yell trying to catch his attention.

"Zoooo!" He runs into my direction pulling me into a warm hug. "I have missed you so much."

"It's been just a few days." I mumble into his chest. It's so good to feel his warmness again. I have missed him too, Tristan is like brother to me. He is a family.

"I know I know baby, but you are always at home teasing me and without you I felt really lonely."

"Aww, Tris, next time you should come with me too." I say finally looking into his eyes.

"Okay, I will." He laugh. Just now I notice that he looks tired. It's 5 in the morning and probably Tris hasn't slept before he came here. His blond hair is even longer because it's not stylised. "Where is your suitcase?" Tris asks and then I realize that I left my suitcase with Brad. "And why that boy is looking at you?"

"What? Who?" I swiftly turn around to see Brad standing with his phone in his hand near the doors.

"Oh it's..."

"Your assistant?" I simply nod at Tris.

"I should go and say bye to him and take my suitcase."

"Okay, I will wait you in a car."

"Yeah, okay. Where it is?" I smile.

"Near the front door, you will see it."

"Okay, I will be back soon." I nod to him and go to Brad.

"Im sorry I just left you standing here but I need to say hello to Tris, thank you for taking my suitcase."

"No problem." Brad nods.

"So you are going home now?"

"No im going to a night club, of course im going home, Zoe."

"Don't be suck a dick, okay?" I tease him.

"Stop be so annoying." Brad mocks me. "It will be weird not wake up next to you." He mumbles leaning into me.

"Awww is Bradley going to miss me?" I tease him even more but when his lips are just inches away I pull his t-shirt with my hands so he would get closer to me, Brad's hands snaking my waist. Then his wet lips touches mine. Of course I didn't want to stop but we needed to go, so I pulled away from his lips making him groan.

"I want more of you." He whispers. Resting my forehead against his I bit the corner of my lip. Brad smirks. "Don't do this to me, babe."

I smile because he just called me babe.

"I need to go." I whisper pecking his lips again.

"Call me when you get home, okay?"

"Don't be over protective, Simpson."

"I bet you like it." He smirks, kissing my lips one more time. "Go."


Car ride went fast. I was too tired to tell something to Tris and he was just smiling and looking at me like an idiot wanting to ask me something about Brad.

"So will you tell me?" He finally said when we reached parking lot.


"You know what." He laughs. "I'm your big brother you can tell me anything, Zoe."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Of course you do." Tris takes suitcase from me.

"Nope, bro, sorry." A grin appears on my face.

"You said he is not your type."

"And he is not." I quickly say trying not to smile. Brad is different. I have never looked at boys like him.

"Yes, that's why you came smiling like he just fucked you."

"Are you jealous, Evans?" I look at him seriously.

"Of course not, I just don't want you to get hurt okay? I care about you Zoe."

"Thanks, but there is nothing between me and Brad."

"It's okay if you finally can move on, sis."

"Yes I know, it's been so long since I broke up with James."

"Talking about James, he was here last night." Tris looks at me.


 "Yeah, I don't know how but he was here and he wanted to talk with you and I said you are in New York so he asked me to tell you to call him as soon as you are home."


"I don't know, Zoe." Tris rolls his eyes.

"There is nothing more I should know?"

"I told him to stay away from you."

"You did what?" I say way too loud so Tris shows me to stay quite. He finally unlocks the door.

"I said that he should stay away from you. Zoe he is your past, okay?" Tris puts his hand on my shoulders. "Don't be mad at me I just want to protect you."

"Tristan, I can handle it by myself, okay? You don't need to decide what I should do and with who I should talk to." I know he just tries to protect me but sometimes I hate it, because I can protect myself.

"Don't be mad at me okay?" He pouts. "I will cry all night."

"Tris." I roll my eyes. "I'm not mad, but it's last time when you are doing this, okay? I need to talk with James, he needs to explain everything."

"Why? You already know everything. He cheated on you."

"Yes but I need to hear him out." I took my suitcase. "Tris, I'm too tired to talk about this now, I had a really long flight okay, we will talk in the morning."

"Yes okay. I'm sorry, Zoe." He hugs me tight.

"It's okay, I'm not mad." I squeeze his back. "Who wears these shoes?" When my eyes reaches women's shoes I ask. "It's not mine."

Tris pulls away looking at me ashamed.


"My friend came here and she fall asleep so she is in my room."

"What have I missed?" I rise my eyebrows. "Do I know her?"

"Stop being so sneaky."

"Who is she? Is she beautiful? Have you two slept?"

"Zoe!" Tris hits me friendly.

"So who is she?"

"It's just a friend. Go to sleep, okay?" Tris pushes me into my room but I quickly go after him.

"Tell me! Pleaseeee." I pout at him.

"Why should I tell you? You said nothing about you and Brad."

"It's different. There is nothing between two of us."

"Same here, Zoe, so just go to sleep and stop talking so loud."

"I heard a noise something happened?" A girl's voice comes from Tris room.

"No, go back to sleep I' coming." Tris says looking at me. "Zoe, you need get some rest."

"Tris you are okay?" girl with dark messy hair appears in doorways.

"What she is doing here?" I look at Tristan who just shakes his head.

"Not now Zoe."

"Why her? You just can't be serious!" I go to my room slapping doors behind me. I quickly grab my phone from my purse and go straight to my bed. I open my messenger and type a message to a person who I want to see the most now. Bradley. 


thanks to everyone for your support it means so much to me and I really love you and don't forget to vote and comment! xxx 

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