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"yuta,here!",Jungwoo raised while waving his arm, signalling Yuta to pass the ball to him.Both of them were having their soccer training as the competition is getting near.

Yuta passed the ball to Jungwoo and began running near the goalpost.He was waiting for the ball but when he raised his head and his eyes looked directly to the window of Winwin's classroom,he realized both their eyes met.

"Yuta!",Yuta turned his head to the source as he heard Jungwoo called his name but unfortunately he was froze,making the ball hit his head until he fell.
Yuta laid on the ground,holding his head groaning in pain while his teammates ran towards him.

"Hey are you okay?",Lucas asked Yuta while Jungwoo helped lifted him up.After checking on him,the coach asked Lucas and Jungwoo to accompany Yuta to the infirmary.They waited for the doctor as he did some check-ups to Yuta and after a few minutes,the doctor told Yuta to get some rest there.

"Are you sure you'll be fine?",Jungwoo asked Yuta followed by a nod by him.Jungwoo felt guilty especially when he's the one who caused the accident but he respected Yuta's decision so he and Lucas decided to leave and go back to their soccer training.

Yuta sighed then laid his back on the bed while holding his head,still feeling the pain from the accident.Suddenly his head reminded him of Winwin,the moment before the accident.

"is it really him?If its him,does he looking at me?or maybe he's looking at Lucas?",thoughts lingering on his head repeatedly.He shooked his head and closed his eyes,trying to remove those thoughts but he also know he couldnt.

"what if he's looking at Lucas?Does he like Lucas?But he should know that Lucas is Jungwoo's right?",Yuta kept on talking to himself,putting on his own drama inside his head.

As he was staring on the ceiling,he heard footsteps coming towards his bed."Must be Jungwoo",he thought.He knew Jungwoo must be feeling bad for what happened but technically its not his fault,well Yuta do admit he was not paying attention during the practice.

"Jungwoo,if you felt bad why dont you jus--",Yuta couldnt finished his words when he looked at the figure standing infront of him.Winwin put down his bag then walked closer to Yuta's side while Yuta's eyes still glued to Winwin.

"how you...why you..",Yuta stuttered on his words,his eyes kept on blinking trying to make sure that the guy beside him is literally Winwin.

"How's your head?",Winwin asked while both his hands placed on Yuta's head.Its a lie if there's no butterflies inside Yuta's stomach at that moment,Yuta cleared his throat and moved his head,releasing Winwin's hand from his head.

"it's your fault,why you're standing there?",Yuta tried to ease the awkward atmosphere eventhough only him the one who felt uncomfortable at that time.Winwin rolled his eyes,"so it's my fault?",he asked Yuta with dissatisfied tone.

Yuta tried to avoid eye contact,"hmm",he replied.Winwin sneered when he heard Yuta's response,"well i have been watching you from my class since the first day you start your soccer practice so why you didnt get hurt on that day?",Winwin defended himself with his remarks making Yuta dumbfounded with his logic.

"wait,so he's been looking at me the whole time?!"

Winwin eyed Yuta who was deep into his thoughts,he sighed and took his bag from the floor.

"i'm going back,how about you?",Winwin asked.Yuta looked back at Winwin,


"i can accompany you to your home",Winwin interrupted Yuta,offering him his company.

Yuta looked at his surroundings and noticed there's no sign of the school doctor.He still felt tired but he also want to be with Winwin so he decided to take his bag and followed Winwin,leaving the place quickly before they get caught by the school doctor.

- -

"don't forget to get some rest",Winwin reminded Yuta as they already arrived infront of Yuta's house.Yuta nodded and smiled at Winwin,deep down he felt happy that he got Winwin's attention.Looks like the pain really worth it.

"owh P'! where have you--",Sorn ran out from the house but then she froze when she saw a handsome young man standing near her brother.Sorn scooted to her brother's side and nudged his elbow,"hey,who's this handsome guy?",she asked while eyed Winwin in fascination.

Yuta eyed his sister,deep down he felt jealous especially the way Sorn looking at Winwin.He wished it ends here but unfortunately it just the beginning.

"Yuta,where have you been so--",Mrs Namtan was cut off with her words as she was stunned after looking at Winwin also Mr Nakamoto as he followed his wife.Basically,the Nakamoto's a simp for Winwin.

"urm,hi uncle and auntie",Winwin bowed to show respect to Yuta's parents while his parents still fascinated with his beauty.Yuta obviously felt jealous on the way everyone staring at his crush,he then cleared his throat to get everyone's attention,"Mae,do you have something to say to me?",Yuta asked Mrs Namtan.

Mrs Namtan shifted her gaze to Yuta,"owh about that...",well she already forgot but she didnt want to get caught so she signalled her husband to back her up.Mr Nakamoto swallowed the lump on his throat then smiled awkwardly,"urm we..we thought that..urm you know..we gonna eat together",he tried to cover it up while Sorn at his side mentally facepalmed herself in embarrassment.

"owh ok give me 1 minute",Yuta replied.Yuta then turned his head to Winwin,"do you want to join us?",he offered.Winwin slightly smiled then shooked his head,"it's okay,i already promise Yangyang to eat together",he replied followed by a nod.

"then maybe i should leave",Winwin wanted to excuse himself before Yuta held his hand,stopping him."wait,i need to talk about something",Winwin turned back his body facing Yuta.Yuta wanted to talk but then he felt the stares towards them so he looked at them and signalling them to go inside.

"urm we'll go first",Mrs Namtan said followed by her husband and daughter as they all walked quickly into their house leaving both Winwin and Yuta alone.

"thank you for everything",Yuta thanked Winwin.Winwin looked at him confused,"hmm just that?",he asked.Yuta slightly smiled,"i dont want them to listen to us..they really loves minding other people business",Yuta complained about his family.Winwin chuckled,"your family is so cute",he responded followed by Yuta rolled his eyes portrayed his disgust face.

"Then i see you tomorrow",Winwin said to Yuta.He then walked away before Yuta called him back making him turned his back to look at Yuta.

"Take care",Yuta told him before he gave a flying kiss to Winwin.Winwin was surprised with Yuta's sudden act as he began to feel the heat on his cheeks.He sticked out his tongue and showed his middle finger before he turned back his body and walked away.Yuta laughed seeing Winwin's reaction,for him Winwin is so cute especially when he blushed.

"oh my god my son got a handsome boyfriend"

"honey i can't believe our son got a boyfriend that good looking"

"i know right,P' is not that good.I lowkey feel bad for him"

"We should be grateful for that guy to date our idiot son"

Yuta sighed and rolled his eyes,"i heard you guys",he purposely spoke loudly so that they heard him.The others then quickly ran to the kitchen before they got caught by Yuta.

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