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Yuta was at the studio as he accompanied Winwin who was practising for the dance competition.

It's been an hour and Yuta started to get sleepy,he tried to control himself but then he leaned his back against his wall and doze off.He didn't realized that he fall asleep when he suddenly woke up and looked around,noticed that Winwin wasn't there at the studio.

He looked around him when Ten walked inside the studio,"what's wrong with your face?",he laughed while making fun of Yuta's face.

"Have you seen Sicheng?",Yuta asked Ten.Ten furrowed his eyebrows then shrugged,"i thought he's with you",he responded before he put down his stuff.

Yuta took his phone and tried to call Winwin but then he heard Winwin's phone ringing at the corner meaning that he left his phone.Did something bad happened to him?

He started to get worried when he approached Ten,"are you sure you didn't see him?",he asked with his face portrayed worriness hoping that nothing bad happened to Winwin.

Ten shooked his head,"anything wrong?",he asked before they both turned to the door as Winwin walked inside when he realized two pair of eyes were staring at him.

"What?",he asked before Yuta ran to him and hugged him tight."Ughhh i thought i lost you",he said as he felt glad seeing Winwin while Winwin was dumbfounded with Yuta's sudden act.

Yuta released the hug then held Winwin's hand,"where have you been?",he asked.Winwin shifted his gaze to Ten before he shifted back to Yuta,"i went to the restroom and i already told Ten to inform you if you already awake",he explained.

Yuta rolled his eyes as he turned his head to Ten who was laughing at him.Thank you Ten for the prank,not funny!

- -

Both Yuta and Winwin walked together after Winwin finished his practice.

"I already told Siwan",Winwin initiated a conversation."owh really,and how was it?",he asked Winwin.

"Well,he said he's excited and can't wait to watch me perform",he told Yuta.Yuta smiled excitedly as he rests his arm on Winwin's shoulder,"i told you he will always support you",Yuta portrayed his winning look while Winwin stick his tongue out,felt annoyed with losing.

He then heard his phone ringing as he took his phone from his pocket and answered his phone.


Siwan:hello Winwin! Do you want to hang out together tomorrow?I'm planning to go shopping..need to where something good for D-day hehe

Winwin:hyung you can just ask me at home

Siwan:owh yeah i forgot..maybe i'm too excited..am I bothering you right now?

Winwin:no you're not

Siwan:glad to know that hehe..then i'll wait for you at home..don't come home too late

Winwin:i know..ok bye

*phone call ended*

"Your brother?",Yuta asked followed by a nod by Winwin.

"Looks like you're getting closer with your brother..hmm looks like you won't spend time with me after this",Yuta pouted,he admit he slightly felt jealous but he also felt glad that Winwin started to open up with his brother.

Winwin then wrapped his arms around Yuta's waist,pulling him closer as he rests his chin on Yuta's shoulder,"then what do you want me to do?",he asked with a pout.

Yuta smiled before he pinched Winwin's cheek,"how about a week for me?",he asked while Winwin looked at him confused.

"A week for me..means you only spends time with me for that whole week",he proposed the idea while playing with Winwin's cheek,trying to persuade him.

Winwin then pushed Yuta's hand away from his face,"fine~",he replied as Yuta jumped excitedly and hugged Winwin while Winwin slightly smiled,amused with Yuta's behaviour.

My Time is Yours//Yuwin Nct FfWhere stories live. Discover now