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Yuta:Winwin where are you?

Winwin:yuta help me

Yuta looked at the screen,he couldn't recognize the number although he tried to recall it,well he remembered Winwin's phone number.

Winwin:Yuta please help me..im very scared  I don't know what to do! I—

Yuta:winwin calm down..take a deep breath


Yuta:Winwin you still with me aren't you?




Yuta:send me your location..i'll come to you


Yuta:wait for me okay..everything will be fine trust me


Yuta:i'll talk to you later

*phone call ended*

  - -

Yuta hurriedly parked his motorcycle infront of Siwan's house,he threw his helmet to the ground and ran inside the house.

"Why is Winwin at Siwan's house?Is he running away for something?or he just not ready for the competition?"

He entered the house slowly as the door wasn't locked,Winwin must be very shocked because he's not the type who will forget to lock his door.

"Winwin?are you there?",Yuta tried to call Winwin but there's no voice answered him.He decided to look around the house as the silence in the house low-key creeped him up.He tried to remain his focus when he heard sniffing coming from the kitchen.

"Winwin?",Yuta approached the kitchen but then he stopped as his eyes widened from the shock of the scene infront of him.

"Yuta~",Winwin was kneeling and beside him was a body lying on the floor.Yuta checked on the pulse and unfortunately there's none.

"He..he kidnapped me and when I woke up I'm here and..i tried to defend himself then I—",Winwin stuttered,he couldn't let out the words from his mouth as he was very scared for what he did.

Yuta didn't need Winwin to explain as he understands everything,especially he saw the knifepocket that he bought for Winwin on the floor but this time,there's blood on the blade accompanied by blood splattered on the body and the flooe.

"Yuta,what if..he's dead isn't he?but I didn't mean..i just want to protect..but I—",he was interrupted when Yuta suddenly pulled him into a hug.

"It's okay,you did everything you can.It's not your fault",Yuta softly patted Winwin's head and his back.

Winwin pulled himself from the hug then looked at Yuta,"I'm gonna go to jail is it?or I should just die?I don't think I can handle this..you must be very scared of me right?",Winwin kept on blabbering multiple questions,trying to cope his anxiety as he started biting his fingers,bothered by Yuta staring at the body while doing nothing.

"I should run right?I shouldn't call you right?I should just kill myself right?I should—"

Winwin was stunned when Yuta suddenly stood and took a cloth near the sink before he walked back to Winwin and took his hands,"let's clean you up",he said as he wiped Winwin's hands softly,didn't want to hurt him.

My Time is Yours//Yuwin Nct FfWhere stories live. Discover now