Chapter |7| Catastophe

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"I hate karaoke

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"I hate karaoke." It was a statement I had lived by my whole life. Now my best friend wanted to drag me out for a night of headaches and singing Abba.

Tessa grinned sweetly. "Please, it's my bachelorette party and there's this super cool karaoke bar down in Queens." I sighed, and she dragged on an annoying please until I finally caved.

Who was I to deny the bride anything?

"Yes, I'll text the rest of the girls that the plan is a go." I snatched her arm before she could leave.

"Who are the rest of the girls?"

"A few of my cousins, my old neighbour I used to hang out with and some friends from college." Right, my best friend was currently enrolled into NYU, living her best days partying it up and meeting hipsters on campus.

Was I jealous? A little.

"Don't worry though, I'm sure you'll get on with most of them." I doubted it. Plastering a fake smile, I nodded and we parted, her probably spending the next few hours with my brother and me...well, that was still undecided.

My dad had taken Anastasia out to the park, I know right Mafia mobster strolling with a pram through Central Park, so that just left Alessi all by himself.

"Hey Bella," I melted into a puddle upon being greeted by his charming smile. The best thing about it was that it was always real. The man was unusually happy all the time.

"Hi." I squeaked out, climbing under the covers next to him.

The bed creaked under my weight, filling the weird silence. He draped his arms around my shoulders, pulling me into his chest. Our legs became instantly entwined and I rest my head over his heart, listening to the rhythmic beating.

"Tessa's party is tonight, yes?" I nodded,
burrowing in closer to his body. I loved the cuddles and hugs. That was my favourite part of a relationship. The way you could be intimate without having to actually be naked.
"I hope you won't be seeing any naked men, swinging their cocks around."

I couldn't help but burst into laughter at his description of a strip club. Alessi was grinning down at me, a solemn look in his eyes and a smile that didn't quite look right.

Tilting my chin up, I frowned. "What's wrong?" He shook his head, gently pushing back my hair.

"I haven't heard you laugh like that since we arrived. It's strange, you should be happiest at home." It was almost as if he was studying me. Meticulously watching out for any sign of despair or depression.

"This isn't my home anymore."

"So Italy is?" He looked so happy with that revelation that it broke my heart to say no.

"Anastasia is. Wherever she is, I'm happy." Although his smile dimmed slightly, his eyes held only understanding.

"Hopefully one day, you'll feel the same about me too." I couldn't. I couldn't keep up this facade and pretend to be in love or happy with this beautiful man, when I knew I never could be. He deserved better, and anything was better than being stuck with me.

𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔Where stories live. Discover now