Chapter |24| Vendetta

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We heard the shot go off as we pulled in by the docks

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We heard the shot go off as we pulled in by the docks. In an instant I saw my worst nightmare flash between my eyes. Kiara lying dead on the floor with a bullet between her eyes.

No. Quickly, I shook away the sickening vision.

"It came from the warehouse." Tristan grabbed the handguns stashed underneath the seats and thrust one into my chest. I clambered out the car, clumsily checking if it was loaded at the same time.

The bullets fell out, pinging harshly against the solid granite. I stared at them unwaveringly.

I heard Tristan's sigh of aggression, violent with fury. "Fucking hell." He passed me his, snatching the empty one from my hands and proceeded to pick up the fallen bullets. "Aaron sort yourself out. She needs you, so go now."

The urge to run inside was swarming, taking over my entire body, but yet my feet stayed planted still with fear. Tristan's hands wrapped around my collar as his shoved me forward.

"Go!" His deafening command followed me in as I stumbled into the darkness.

The pattering sound of water dripped down against the pipes. The raucous noise of machines drilling in the background, the air vents circling fresh cold air to replace the hot. It was haunting.

There were no gunshots to follow, no screams or shouts. That could only mean someone was dead.

Clearing room after room, I trembled as I noticed the pool of blood bathing the floor of the storage room. It was too much to just be one person's.

I placed my hand in the door knob, and sighed. It couldn't be her, it couldn't. Kiara was strong, she was a fighter. I wouldn't lose her like this.

Prying it open, the raw stench of death hit me hard. The urge to vomit was threatening but I clung tight to the gun as I raised it upwards and forced it back down.

"Princess," I murmured into the thick dark.

"Aaron." Her love thrilling voice filtered through and I struggled to contain the smile that threatened to break out into my face.

I tripped over something as I ventured further. It was hard yet soft at the same time. Pulling out my phone, I turned on the torch and grimaced.

It was a leg. A dead leg. One wearing red stilettos that could only ever be branded like that by one person. "Sasha." I breathed out, and yet her body removed still. Immobile.

Gently, I pushed her body aside so I could fully open the door. Light spilled forward into the room and for once the darkness hide the bad. Kiara lay under Andrei's dead body, a hole drilled through his head with a sharp bullet.

Her fingers reached out to me and like a magnet I was drawn to my opposite half. I watched her lips draw up into a small smile, but she winced under the heavy weight.

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