Chapter |21| Two Wishes

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Familiar swirls of black lined his forearms

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Familiar swirls of black lined his forearms. I had always found his tattoo fascinating, some days I spent hours memorising the contours of them, the craftsmanship, the art that Aaron had chosen to decorate his body with.

I frowned, my fingers stilling over his thudding heartbeat. "This one is new." The scripture was obviously Greek, but the words unfamiliar.

I barely knew any Greek which was something I wished to change for Anastasia. I wanted her to grow up learning all about her different heritages, just as I had.

Aaron tilted his head to the side, eyes turning rapidly dark as he took in the sight of my body, bare from the waist up. "The one over my heart?"

I nodded softly, watching as a smile cracked onto his face. "It means Princess, because you were the only woman to have ever captured my heart." He pecked my lips, and I could nothing but blink up at him, stunned.

"But I...I thought that you hated me after I left? I can't believe that you..."

"I could never hate you Princess. Not whilst you're five million miles away, not if you've left me, or broken my heart, or if we're seventy years old and you stole the last doughnut. You're my person. You're the reason I'm me."

Kissing away the droplets of tears that had trailed down my cheeks, I felt his hand press over my heart. I copied him, placing mine over his.

"I will always love you Kiara Romano. That my promise to you, Princess." I felt it then. A tug, that pull on the chain that tied us together.

"I love you Aaron. You're my person too." He pressed a plethora of kisses over my knuckles, dusting them with his light touch.

"Come here," He growled, yanking me closer to his naked body. I squealed, laughing as I attempted to pull away, only to be roped back in. "What about you?"

"What about me?" He nudged his nose against my neck.

"Are you going to get any tattoos? I promise to hold your hand." Contrary to popular beliefs, I had none. That was one thing my mother would have killed me for.

"I don't plan on it, but I might. One day? Who knows?" Our future was undecided for now and for some reason that filled me with hope.

Without Aaron, everything seemed clouded and dark. There wasn't that potential life with him, there wasn't the family I had always envisioned and now I had that back. Even better, I had him back.

"What about you? You going to get anymore?"

"I'll get one for Anastasia of course. Maybe a rose or something with her name wrapped around it. I already have one for Caitlin see." He pointed at the tiny Cat figurine that marked his arm in pure black. It was hidden among a crowd of other tattoos so it was barely visible, but there.

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