Bonus Chapter I| Aaron & Kiara

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"Please go to bed Isla," Kiara's desperate voice  carried from nursery

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"Please go to bed Isla," Kiara's desperate voice carried from nursery. I set down the pile of folders that had kept me at the office until one in the morning onto the bed and quietly slipped off my jacket and tie.

Our daughter's cry increased in volume, making me wince as I heard another door click open. I quickly stepped out into the hallway, ushering Calista and Staisa back into their rooms.

"Girls, you know the rules."

Anastasia crossed her arms over her chest and cocked her dark brow at me. "Daddy the baby is so loud. How the hell are we supposed to sleep?"

"Language." I chide, picking up Calista whilst she yawns heavily. Her head drops onto my shoulder, eyelids shutting close immediately.
"Did you wake Calista up on purpose again?"

Stasia shrugs. "I was bored and the stupid baby always wakes me up."

"She's not stupid, she's just a baby. It's what babies do."

"I thought babies were supposed to be cute, all she does is shit and sleep and cry and it's annoying." I laugh as I cross the room to place Calista into her bed. She clings onto my arm a little, before succumbing to sleep and letting me cover her with a thousand blankets.

"That's what you did."

"How would you know?" She snarks.

I stiffen slightly, slowly turning around and murmuring, "You know I hate it when you use it against me."

Kiara and I decided to hide nothing from our children. Even the darkest moments of our past.

"I know. I'm sorry." I know how much she regrets saying it. Anastasia is just like me. She acts first, influenced by her impulsive and stubborn personality, but she also cares and loves so fiercely that sometimes it takes ahold of her.

"It's okay." She sinks into my open arms, as Isla wails on in the background. "I better check on your mother." I whisper, pressing a kiss onto her forehead.

"Please get Isla to sleep, I've got a math test tomorrow."

"I'll try." I tuck her into bed like normal, before shutting their door and quickly checking on my son who can sleep through anything.

His dark curly hair is the only thing I can see, propping out from under the covers with heavy snores loud enough to rival his younger sister's cries.

"Aaron?" My wife looks up at me exhausted when I walk into the nursery. Her eyes are brimmed with tears close to spilling over but she sighs in relief, as Isla finally latched onto her breast, quietening down.

𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔Where stories live. Discover now